
"The final journey in the world of Evola"

Story is about 19 years old kid named Zeltar. He was just a teenager that lived of bare minimum needs. Due to the fact that his parents were having huge lack of money his days were pretty grey, until the day that soldiers were knocking on his door. He received a news that he got recruited into elite military school and has to go with them right this instance. In school he reunites with his older brother Alan, that has left home five years ago. After completing battle class test, Alan realized that Zeltar has two hearts one of which has pure berserker energy in it, one of most violent and uncontrollable battle classes. To prevent Zeltar from getting into hands of scientists, Alan decided to join his team and train along side with him. And now all that is left to Zeltar is opportunity of changing his life, will he use it to change his life for good or will he give in to the desire of bloodshed nature that his brother tries to keep from eyes of society?

Darver_Reaver · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Part 9 "Do you know where you are?(2)"

"Did I hear you right? Prison?"

Nolan's words took Zeltar by surprise, a jolt of adrenaline rushes throughout the whole body. Reasons why could he get into prison are reaching the depths of his memories.

(When was I breaking the law? No, no there's no way I did something that would lay eyes of military upon me. I barely was going outside of our house. Then why?)

"Wait didn't Alan inform you about where you are?"

"No, he just said that this is a military school."

"Hmm, interesting. In that case, pardon his attitude. I suppose he is careless as always.

But before we start please calm down. I know that almost every single word might scare you given these circumstances, but please try to listen to my speech carefully, and if you have some difficulties with the things I am saying ask right away."

"Okay, I will pay attention to everything you say."

"Great! Now to start, yes this is a prison-type school. Hehe, you remember these times when we were calling normal schools prisons?"

"You are getting off the topic."

"Oh right. So the reason why this organization has a prison in its name is because of the reason that first of all, you will get executed if you fail the exams."

Zeltars body trembles from the sound of these words. Skin feels like a blast of breeze would hit his body. One could not imagine how seriously Zeltar is taking every single word of Nolan's lecture.


As Zeldar says this, his voice is emotionless and his face got numb.

"Yes, but please do not speak about this out loud. This is information that Alan shared between me and other members of the group."

"I-I don't understand, why would I be sent to prison?"

"Well, that leads us to the second point of why this place is called a prison school. There are many ways you could get here. By breaking the law, being homeless, sold by the responsible person, recruited by the individual, brought here in case that your parents were debtors or you are just a volunteer, which is the rarest case by the way."

"I remember that man named Reek said something about me being recruited into this place."

"Oh, this must be one of the collectors, yes they tend to tell you that kind of lie to keep you calm. Plus it is not like they would want to start a fight with your parents in any case. Well...at least some of them."

Enthusiasm fades from Nolan's voice as some memories are catching up to him. But quickly he brings back his "happy guys face" and keeps on telling about the organization.

"So where was I? Ah right, storytelling. *Coughs* So basically what I would like to tell you is that this place is the containment of people who possess the energy of battle classes. One of the groups of the classes is called Lightbringers, people who can be taught to use their gift for good. In case that they hesitate they will go through lecturing if it won't help the academy will use torture and finally execution in case of absolute disobedience."

"You said that there is more than one group in this organization?"

"Yes, the second group is called "Revenants". You definitely won't see them here as a student since the energy that they maintain inside of their hearts is very destructive and hardly controllable. Usually, their power awakens after experiencing emotional events or close to death experiences."

"So that means-"

"They are not dangerous until the moment their power is awakened. But just to be sure, they are sent to other military containment where they are practicing alone. This place had them for practicing about three years ago but eventually for some reason administrates of this place decided that they will stop with the admission of such dangerous people."

"I...I see. Is there something else that I have to know about?"

"Hmm, give me a moment to think. Ah right, I have to send you data on the lesson schedule."

Nolan takes Tixer out of his pocket and does some clicks here and there, after few seconds Zeltar receives a notification from Nolan Ervald. Zeltars eyes are starting to light up from surprise. A Member of the Ervald family sits right in front of him. The family had one of the biggest economical influences in the whole of Bloodur. How in the world did he end up here, in a place he is calling a prison. To make sure that he sees things right Zeltar decides to ask Nolan about his condition with the Ervald family.

"Do I see it right? You are from Ervald's family bloodline."

"Ohh, heh about that...listen can I ask you one thing?"

"Yes, of course."


Nolan sits a lit bit closer to Zeltar so that he could whisper.

"If I could ask that from you I would like this to remain as a secret of your group."

"Why? I mean you get to live such a life and experience the things that others could only dream about. And yet you seem very defensive about it."

Nolan faces Zetar and right after he sighs and looks away after what he speaks.

"You are truly naive Zeltar but I don't say it as a bad aspect of yours. It is a beauty to sometimes approach life with no care in the world, to see this life from a different angle. I suppose you think that if my family did not have financial difficulties then I was happy?"

As he asks, he faces Zeltar once again.

"I-I don't know, probably there is something that I don't see."

"I am truly glad that you understand that there are several bad factors to having a rich family. But as I was saying let's leave this theme aside for now. I just don't want anyone to look under the carpet of my family's past. And the last thing that I would like to ask from you. Please don't speak with Sarah about this. We have different ways of adapting to new circumstances and handling the fact that new life has to begin in walls of this place. However, she still can't get used to this life. So please don't discuss this with her. Deal?"

Zeltars head is too much overwhelmed with numerous problems that he might have to face soon. He nods in approvement and Nolan seems to be quite pleased with the answer as he stands up and lightly punches Zeltar on the shoulder.

"Now, you can go back to your room, we will meet tomorrow for the first lessons so make sure to read the schedule and be at the lesson in time."

"Got it."

They already were about to leave as Nolan remembered about the school uniform and sword that Alan gave him earlier.

"Oh almost forgot. Take this with you."

He hands him the stuff and waits for Zeltar's response. With no idea of what to do with the things he just received, he asks for a clue.

"I guess I don't have questions about the uniform but what do I need this sword for?"

"For training, after all, you are the weapon master class, student."

Zeltar gets quite shocked, as words got to his brain.


"No, my grandmother, now give it back."

He pretends to take the stuff away from Zetar, but as soon as he realizes that newbie starts to believe that it was only a joke on him, Nolan laughs it off saying that Zeltar is the host of a very complicated battle class. But if he decides to go all out on mastering it he will get his freedom back in a while.

With this information in mind, Zeltar goes back to his room for observance of gathered information.