
"The Awakening Stone: Legend of a Forgotten Girl"

Taraji's origins are shrouded in mystery. Legends speak of her as a celestial being, sent to Earth to safeguard it from the greatest threats. She has been protecting the planet for centuries, using her extraordinary powers to defeat any force that threatens its existence. However, her most significant victory came at a great personal sacrifice. When she defeated the biggest threat to Earth, Taraji was locked into a stone as her price for protecting the planet.

Wiki_Ozzy2616 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


We all got under the house, the Orc was walking and sniffing around like it's lookking for something or someone. It walked around the house for sometime before walking away. I told them to stay put and i will get out and check out. They nodded and i did as i told them. I went very quietly out of the house and checked around to see if it is still there. And there it was. Looking down at me. I froze not moving from the spot but it charged at me with a roar. I ran away from the orc as fast as i can. It was closely on my tail. I could hear it growls and the ground shook. I ran until i was out of breath then slowed down. I stopped walking and I looked behind me. The orc chased me all over the woods but never let up. Finally i stopped and tried catching my breath when i found a hiding spot. I closed my eyes and waited for the orc to pass me. When it passed I quickly hid myself. After about 30 minutes of hiding, I opened my eyes only to see that the orc wasn't following me. I stood up and started running. I looked behind me and there was no orc and i was safe. I ran fast back to them and got inside locking the door and i went to the basement and see if they are okay and they are fine. They ran and hugged me holding me close and asked many questions. I just told them that im alright. They let me go and we went to our bedrooms and try to get more sleep. I fell asleep after about 10 minutes. When i woke up i went downstairs and i saw them making breakfast. I greeted them but they got scared and jumped up. That made me laugh. They looked at me pale but i laughed even more. They joined me after few minutes and we all were sitting on the floor from laughing so hard. After we calmed down they finshed making breakfast they placed everything on the table. We all sat down and started to eat.

After the breakfast we cleaned up the table and we all got ready for the day. It's nice to have them near me. They decided to teach me more about this modern world. They have carriges that horses pull, they also have money and no one exchanges things anymore. All the worlds are in war with everyone and anyone even for pitty reasons. Poor and rich people are sepreted. Many mythical creatures are gone or used as slaves. The people are just horrible. How could this happen....It was so peacefull then...All these centeries ago. It was beautiful....there were no wars over stupid things. Kids could walk safe around on streets in day as night. Now no one can that doesn't know how to fight. The world have gone mad. Everyone could trust everyone. 

But now? No one can trust eachother. Arthur grabbed my hand and lead me somewhere. We entered an abandoned building. There were old chairs, paintings and a few bookshelves on a wall. I slowly remembered where we are. '...It's....my castle...' I spoke with a soft voice almost a whisper. The abandoned castle was ruined fully. The walls half standing....rooms destroyed....some paintings are intact. I went deeper into the castle. Many walls were ruined....i went to my and my ex husbands bedroom. Half of the room was ruined....The bed was still standing. I went over to the bed and sat down softly. The bed was full of dust, ashes, stones, and animal fur. I closed my eyes and i got flashbacks from the past. I smiled softly when i saw me and my ex husband standing in the mirror looking at each other and giggle. I got up and walked around the castle having the flash backs floading in. All amazing memories....The people....other creatures...so peacefull..everyone respected everyone...

I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I felt a hand on my shoulder making all the flashbacks stop and i looked up. It was Espen. He looked worried at me before he pulled me into a hug. I closed my eyes abs relaxed. I knew i can start over. I knew i need to start over. I know they the fallen ones would want me to move on too.