
"Reborn in the Movie Universe"

Hi, I'm Krishna, reborn in the movie universe, enjoying my life. If you're interested, check out my story.

IAmUnknown · Movies
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37 Chs

4."The Unexpected Ride"

After a long journey, we finally reached our destination. Bheeshma stopped the car, and Chaitra looked at him, saying, "Sir, we have to talk to the farmers if you give us permission." Bheeshma, with a nod, replied, "What permission? I am coming with you. Let's go, let's go."

As we stepped out of the car, the warm rays of the afternoon sun embraced my face. Glancing around, I observed the serene landscape, dotted with farms, and a group of people engaged in playful banter nearby.

As one of the men from the group leered at Chaitra and uttered, "hello darling, let's come with us, I'll give you as much money as you demand," the other rowdy individuals in his group erupted into laughter. Unfazed, the girls ignored them and continued moving towards the farmers. However, Bheeshma, catching wind of the situation, veered towards the group with determined strides. Observing his approach, I couldn't help but think, "this is going to be interesting."

With each step, Bheeshma's resolve seemed to solidify, evidenced by the firm grip he took on a fallen tree branch nearby. As he reached the man who had made the unsolicited remark to Chaitra, a tense silence enveloped the scene. However, just as the confrontation seemed imminent, Bheeshma's demeanor shifted.

In a moment of introspection, he recalled Chaitra's disposition and pondered the potential consequences of engaging with the entire group. "What if Chaitra doesn't approve of this confrontation?" he mused internally, his gaze sweeping across the gathering, calculating the odds against him. The realization dawned that facing the entire group single-handedly might prove to be a futile endeavor.

With a resigned sigh, Bheeshma relinquished his grip on the makeshift weapon, tossing the tree branch aside. Reluctantly, he turned on his heels and rejoined our group.

As Bheeshma approached us, Chaitra's gaze bore into him, clearly expecting an explanation for his abrupt change in direction. Sensing the weight of her scrutiny, he hastily attempted to justify his actions, blurting out, "There was a tree branch on the road, so I just threw it out of the way."

I couldn't help but interject, eager to diffuse the tension with a touch of humor. "Yes, yes, you're a real hero, clearing obstacles for the greater good," I remarked with a playful grin. However, Bheeshma's reaction was far from jovial. His gaze hardened, momentarily fixating on me as if contemplating the repercussions of my jest.

Before the atmosphere could sour any further, Chaitra chimed in, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Oh, I see. I thought you were the brave supercop, like Singham. I was half-expecting to see villains flying through the sky from your powerful blows," she teased, her words dripping with playful mockery.

Chaitra continued, her tone carrying a hint of disappointment. "But I think I was wrong. You can't do that," she concluded, turning away to resume walking. Bheeshma's ego stung by her words, he glanced at me, seeking solace or perhaps validation.

"So, she wants me to fight them," he muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and confusion. Sensing his uncertainty, I nodded in agreement. "I think so," I affirmed, understanding the subtle nuances of the situation.

Bheeshma's thoughts raced as he grappled with the complexities of the moment. "That's why I can't impress a girl because I don't understand them," he mused aloud, his words a lamentation of his perceived inadequacies. Turning to me once more, he sought reassurance. "So, are you coming to have a little fun with me?" he asked, a faint glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Taking off my goggles and placing them on the car, I turned to face Bheeshma, my expression earnest. "If I didn't come, do you have the confidence to face them alone?" I questioned, my tone firm yet supportive. "It's not a movie, Bheeshma. There are too many of them, and you can't take them on alone. Besides, how can I let my brother's image be tarnished?" I reasoned, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and strategy over reckless bravado.

Bheeshma's face softened, a grateful smile spreading across his features. "Thanks, bro," he said, his voice laden with appreciation for my unwavering support. Without hesitation, we set off in the direction of the group, united in our resolve to confront the situation head-on, together.

As we advanced towards the group, their laughter echoed through the air, mocking our approach. "Hey, look, he is coming back, and this time he brought backup," one of them jeered, his voice dripping with contempt. His companion chimed in with a derisive chuckle, asserting their perceived superiority. "They can't do anything to us. We'll use them instead of a football," he taunted, his arrogance palpable.

Unfazed by their taunts, we remained silent, each of us silently sizing up the situation. With determined resolve, I reached for a sturdy branch from a nearby tree, my grip tightening around its rough surface. Swiftly, I closed the distance between myself and one of the unsuspecting members of the group, delivering a decisive blow with the makeshift weapon.

Bheeshma, mirroring my actions, also seized a branch, unleashing a forceful strike upon his chosen target. However, the branch splintered upon impact, rendering it useless. With a fluid motion, I discarded the broken branch and prepared for the next assailant.

As chaos erupted around us, I found myself engaged in a whirlwind of action. Reacting instinctively, I swiftly dispatched one opponent after another, employing a combination of kicks, punches, and evasive maneuvers. As one assailant lunged towards me, I delivered a powerful kick to his chest, sending him sprawling backwards with a gasp of pain.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands grip me from behind, threatening to immobilize me. Without hesitation, I instinctively twisted free from their grasp, leveraging their momentum to propel them into the path of an oncoming attacker. The collision sent both assailants tumbling to the ground in a tangled heap.

Meanwhile, Bheeshma was embroiled in his own fierce skirmish, his movements fluid and precise as he traded blows with his adversaries. With each punch and kick, he demonstrated a formidable display of combat prowess, effectively incapacitating his opponents one by one.

Together, we fought with a synchronized intensity, our movements seamlessly complementing each other's as we systematically neutralized the threat posed by the group. As the dust settled, the once-boisterous assailants lay scattered on the ground, their bravado shattered and their bodies bruised and battered.

As I approached the individual who had made the derogatory comment towards Chaitra, a surge of anger coursed through me, fueled by the disrespect shown towards her. Without a word, I seized him firmly by the ear, eliciting a pained yelp from him as I lifted him off the ground. His protests fell on deaf ears as I held him in my grip, his discomfort evident.

"Sorry, sorry, sir, please let me go," he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation as he felt the weight of my retribution. My expression remained stern as I delivered a stern admonishment. "Think before you speak, and choose your words wisely, especially when it comes to addressing women and others," I admonished, my tone firm and unwavering.

His voice trembled as he stammered out an apology, his fear palpable. "Yes, yes, I understand, sir," he conceded, his words tinged with remorse.

But I wasn't finished. "And don't even entertain the thought of seeking revenge against me. It's futile. Even in death, you won't find solace in retaliation. Do you understand?" I pressed, my gaze piercing as I emphasized the futility of harboring grudges.

Tears welled in his eyes as he nodded vigorously, the gravity of my words sinking in. "Yes, yes, sir, I understand. Please, release my ear," he pleaded, his voice laced with desperation.

With a final admonishing glance, I released my grip on his ear, allowing him to slump to the ground in relief. Watching him scurry away, chastened by the encounter, I couldn't help but hope that he had learned a valuable lesson in humility and respect. As I turned away, the weight of the confrontation lifted from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of satisfaction.

As Bheeshma and I approached our car, we noticed Chaitra and the other girls standing a little distance away, engrossed in conversation with children and elderly individuals. A smile lit up Chaitra's face as she glanced in Bheeshma's direction, a sight that caused his heart to soar with unexpected joy. Sensing his elation, I couldn't help but remark, "Looks like your way is smoothing out. I think she's impressed by you and falling for you. Finally, you won't have to be jealous of me."

Bheeshma's expression softened at my words, a genuine appreciation shining in his eyes. "Who's jealous of you?" he retorted with a chuckle. "But thanks for the support, it means a lot."

I offered a reassuring smile. "It's no problem. Anything for my brother," I replied warmly, grateful for the chance to see Bheeshma find happiness.

As we chatted for a while, the atmosphere between us grew lighter, buoyed by the shared camaraderie of our bond. Eventually, Bheeshma mustered the courage to approach Chaitra, engaging her in conversation as they exchanged pleasantries.

After visiting the different location for Chaitra's work, the golden hues of the evening sun began to paint the horizon as we embarked on our journey back home. As we entered the bustling city streets, Bheeshma suddenly brought the car to a stop, prompting me to glance at him with a furrowed brow.

"What happened?" I queried, curiosity lacing my tone as I sought an explanation for the unexpected halt.

Bheeshma met my gaze with a somber expression, his features tinged with a sense of duty. "You go home by yourself," he instructed firmly.

Perplexed by his directive, I pressed for clarification. "Why?" I questioned, searching for insight into his decision.

"It's already evening, and I need to drop the girls off before heading to the police station," he explained, his tone tinged with urgency as he outlined his obligations.

Accepting his reasoning with a nod of understanding, I acquiesced. "Alright, you go ahead," I agreed, stepping out of the car to bid farewell to Bheeshma, Chaitra, and the other girls.

As I stood on the bustling city street, the fading light of the evening casting long shadows around me, I found myself growing increasingly impatient as I waited for a rickshaw or taxi to appear. Minutes stretched into what felt like hours, and despite my best efforts, no mode of transportation seemed to be forthcoming.

Just as I began to resign myself to the possibility of a long walk home, a flash of yellow caught my eye as a taxi approached from the distance. With a surge of hope, I extended my hand, signaling for the taxi to stop. To my dismay, the taxi continued past me without so much as a glance in my direction.

Disheartened, I watched as the taxi disappeared into the traffic, assuming that my chance for a ride had passed. However, to my surprise, the taxi suddenly came to a halt a short distance ahead. Confused but hopeful, I hurried towards the vehicle, noticing something peculiar written on the back of the taxi: "Don't sound horn."

The words sparked a memory from a movie I had watched in my past life, where a similar phrase had played a significant role in the plot. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I recalled the twist of fate that had unfolded in the film, and I couldn't help but wonder if a similar twist awaited me now.

As the taxi came to a stop in front of me, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that had been building since I first spotted the peculiar message on its back. With a wry smile playing at my lips, I murmured to myself, "This is going to be interesting."

Approaching the front door of the taxi, I noticed that the window was rolled down, allowing me a glimpse of the young man seated behind the wheel. His eyes met mine, and he spoke with a friendly demeanor, "Looks like you've been waiting for a taxi for quite some time."

His words confirmed my suspicion that this was no ordinary taxi driver; he was the protagonist of the movie that had flashed through my mind just moments ago. Unable to contain my amusement, I chuckled softly before replying, "Yes, it has been a bit of a wait."

With a reassuring smile, the young man gestured for me to join him in the front seat. "Come on, I'll take you to your destination," he offered kindly.

Grateful for the unexpected turn of events, I eagerly opened the front door and settled into the passenger seat beside him.

Seated beside him in the taxi, I couldn't help but notice the curiosity in his eyes as he glanced at me and asked, "Not seating in the back? I mean, people don't usually like to sit beside taxi drivers like me."

His question prompted a smile to spread across my face as I replied, "Well, then I'm not one of those people. I don't judge others based on their occupation or appearance. I judge them by their actions and principles. And I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting ride with you."

His smile widened at my response, and he leaned slightly towards me, intrigued. "Why do you think that?" he inquired.

Returning his smile, I explained, "Firstly, because only an interesting individual would write something like that on the back of their taxi, especially in a city like Hyderabad. And secondly, I couldn't help but notice that this taxi of yours isn't quite normal. It's been modified with some interesting devices, and I have a feeling that's not exactly legal."

His eyes sparkled with amusement as he nodded in agreement. Extending his hand towards me, he introduced himself. "Name's Balu," he said warmly.

Returning the gesture, I shook his hand firmly and introduced myself in return. "Krishna," I replied with a friendly smile.

As our hands clasped in a brief yet meaningful exchange, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie forming between us. With the mysterious allure of Balu's unconventional taxi, I settled back into my seat, eager to see where our encounter take us.

(Words count:2399)