
The move

It had been a year since my parents had passed away, and the funeral was nice everyone was there to support and comfort me but i didnt want it,i wanted my parents i wanted to see them, i wanna hear my name being called by one of them i-i wish it was me.. tears ran down luna face, her chest hurts, head throbing if only she could turn off her emotions be numb to the whole thing but it feels like her heart is shatter, broken. she had just lost the only two people who had mean the world to her and for them to just die is too much. Luna went back to her family home, its empty everything was all packed up she sold some stuff, gave stuff away but kept some core memories items that she and her parents had done together. " Sighs its too soon they were taken away from us.. you to so quickly" luna turned around to see who was speaking to her. it was Yolanda Bladwin dad's old friend and ceo of Kain Co.

"yeah its too sad but i cant stay here ,i cant be around here, this place... it has too many painful memeories some were good and some... were just unbearable " said luna as she walked up to yolanda. yolanda had been like aunt to luna ever since luna was baby. " i know, i dont expect you to stay if you need time you can have it i mean your parents did leave a nice sum of money for you" said yolanda ." i just wished you wouldnt move to a whole another country cant you.." yolanda didnt finished that sentence she looked at luna who obvioulsy wanted no parts in this conversation." alright i can see you wont change your mind but it will be hard to communicate or see you since you'll be 17 hours away please visit me when your all settled. ill miss you". yolanda hugged luna gave each other one final look and walked out towared the front and left.

Alone again, this time luna had a second chance and she wasnt gonna waste it this time. luna had made it to the airport pass the checkpoint and headed to Gate 17 Seoul, South Korea. " Good bye america, bye mom , bye dad ill be fine said luna before she went in the tunnle leading to the plane. " may i see your ticket?" said one of the flight attendent . " ahh first class please head left and find your seat another attendend will come and take your drink order." luna had seated next to the window the sky always gave her comfort. "hi and welcome to xxx airlines may i start you off with some champange?" one of the filight attendent said "n-no i'll just have a water thank you". luna had said to the attendent, luna went thru her bag and found some anti-anxiety pill to calm her nerves. put on earbuds and played a song then drifted off to sleep.

its been about 6 hours since the plane took off and luna had woken up from her nap, she got up and walked around to streched her legs and she came across this young girl so beautiful. "hello im luna" the girl looked up at her confuse and said" yeong-eoleul moshaesso miahae" luna had understand that the girl doesn't speak english and so she had to reintroduce herself in korean "joesonghabnida je ileum-eun lunaibnida mannaseo bangawoyo honja gyesinayo?" the girls eyes beemed up like she found a cute puppy the began to talk all night on the plane. they had once finally landed in korea.

both of them grab their luggage from baggage claim " So is there someone coming to pick you up?" said luna the little girl turned and point towards a tall man almost 6'2 very nice build body curily hair almost like waves pretty light brown eyes with very long lashes " damn he's pretty" luna said to herself. "is that your boyfriend?" asked luna the girl shooked her head no and a gave huge laugh " hes my big brother im gojng to live with him and go to school out here and what about you? do you have someone coming? said the girl. luna shook her head no told the girl she came alone wanting to start fresh. " well ill be your new friend my name is Roselie knox but you can call me rose and welcome to south korea". said rose.

luna was very glad she met rose a new friend in a new place. "come on ill introduce you to my brother", said rose as she pulled luna arm toward the man. "h-hey sis how the plane ride did you eat well? get enough sleep? ". the boy stop talking and looked at luna he had never seen such a beautiful brown-skined girl "hello im luna, i met your sister on the plane ride here" luna said to the boy. " thank you for being in my sister company i hope she wasnt too much of a handle full by the way my name is isiah, isiah knox." now they all have formally intoduce themselves rose had asked luna where will she be staying if no one came and picked her up. luna ahd told them she bought a condo apartment and going to stay there. "oh wheres the place called maybe we can give you a ride?" said rose to luna " its called the lofts". both isiah and rose looke completly surprise "wow we live there too oh this is awesome my new friend lives in the same building as us" said rose.

the three of them went drove to the building "thank you so much for taking me idk how i was going to be able get a cab im accustom to this place." luna said to the others as they drive away from the airport and on to the highway. once again luna took her anti-anxiety meds she still not use to being in car but it doesnt set off a trigger in her. "what are you taking?" asked rose, isiah looked in his review mirror to see luna take a pill. "oh its my med to calm my nerves im not use to car rides". said luna, both isiah and rose gave each other a concering look but spoke no more. they had finally reached The Lofts, entering the parking garage. they all had came out the car and got their luggage. "so luna what floor do you stay on we are on 53rd floor " said rose, "oh im on the floor below 52nd floor apt 223 please come and visit me and ill do the same. they all enter the eleavator and press the floor numbers 52 and 53. the elevator ride was long but not long enough isiah and rose were talking about what they should eat for dinner. *dinner, it is that time hmm should i order out?* luna thought to herself, "luna... luuuuna" said rose. luna snap out from zoning out "hmm? did you say something?" luna to rose " its your stop" said rose, luna looked at the elevator number it was indeed her stop steping out the elevator luna turns around to the sibling duo waved good night and headed tp her apartement.

once inside the place looks big it was a one bedroom apartment full kitchen and bath nice fire place under the tv , a pool table and a little bar ,full of nice furniture and applience and balcony outside. luna had unpacked the last of her stuff *tummy rumbling* "ugh im starving ill go grocrey shopping tomorrow ill order in. luna looked up good food place to eat called in her order and have them deliver to her place. once her food got there she started to eat watching one piece. then when she was done threw everything way in the trash and headed to the room. she had her pj set ready and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, luna got ready for the shower . she stripped naked enter the shower the hot water hitting her cold body she stand in the shower head underneath the water. she starts to cry sobbing, she had finally got a second chance at life but it doesnt feel complete yet.

about hour and half later luna came out the shower and started to get ready for bed. turned off all the light locked all doors and climb into bed, staring at the ceiling just lost in her thought. "tomorrow will be a new first day i should sleep". luna said to herself , she didnt know excatly when dozed off but once she did, she was in a deep slumber her dreams taking her to a far away place she see her mom and dad " mom!!! dad!!!! im here wait for me" in the dream luna see both parents and called out to them but more and more she tries to get closer to them the further away they are. this made her sad. luna had tears on face as she slept the night away.