
First day at follage high school


my name is Deborah but u can call me Debra for short. I am 17 yrs old and I am the only daughter of my parents.my dad is a civil servant while my mum owns a little store across the street...

last year I was given a scholarship at my other school as the most brilliant student, to come study at the most expensive school In town(follage high school)and I am pretty sure I can't fit into their way of life because they are only the likes of highly respected peoples children that study here.i even heard that the presidents only son studies here too and we should be in the same grade ,I can't wait to find out though.

Gosh I'm so nervous I have never been this scared in a while the last time I was this scared was when thief's broke into our house and stole my father's promotion documents and money that was handed in his care of which my dad is still paying ,for the past 8yrs.well that is a story for another day.back to present I have been standing outside the school gate for the past 1hr still scared of entering inside.

okey I think I should follow this girl coming behind me .

Heyy I greeted her and she responded me saying hi

thank God she isn't a snub the first girl I greeted when her driver dropped her off actually snubbed me ,I felt so embarrassed though.okey what should I say next to her, am actually not good at making new friends.let me start by introducing myself maybe,

please my name is Deborah and I am new here,I just got a scholarship into the school.

she replied saying her was Anita and was in grade 8,

wow lucky me.we actually in the same grade.

so she offered to help me get acquainted to the environment.she is such a God sent .she held my hands while we walked into the school , straight to the administration office she waited for me while I finished my registration then we went to together to the class room. oh my God the school is so fucking big you can't imagine it is even more bigger than I was told ,it is massive and well decorated infact it is magnificent.we are in front of our classroom now and it is well organized and neat so very beautiful.anita took me to the front sit where she also sits as if she knows that I love sitting in front where I can concentrate . people who sit at the back are very notorious and troublesome most of them though may not be all.while I was trying to arrange my books.some group of boys started shouting and hailing some one I wasn't really hearing the things they were saying so I had to look back and I saw HIM the most handsome no no angelic Human ever likee I had to ask Anita the fuck he was? and she said the almighty jaul Aka president son,lmao Jezz the title sounds so funny and crazy well his worth the praise ,He so talked about in town.