
Chapter 1

Enjoy!! ✨❤️


3rd person's POV

'Help Me!' Daniel yelled sobbing 'Please help me Amanda!' he begs with tears in a dark room tied securely on a chair.. "DANIEL!!!" Amanda yelled panting with tears looking around the room finding for him.

"It was Just a dream Amanda.. non of it true.. Daniel has gone doesn't mean he's in danger.. he's safe" I mumbled to myself calming down a little bit.

She moved to the small bathroom that she had in the attic and took a shower then changed into a pair of leggings and sweater, her hair was closed up in a bun since she likes it that way.

As always she checked under her bed and sighed in relief, her packed bag was still there and it hadn't moved a single inch. There was a loud bang at the door and Amanda quickly guessed who it was and why she had to bang at the door..

She had slept in.. she quickly walks to the door and opened the room shifting her gaze on the floor, "FINALLY YOU TRASH! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT I AM GETTING LATE!?" Tiffany yelled making Amanda flinch in fear.

"S-sorry T-Tiff-- Young Miss.." she stuttered a sincere apology, "WHATEVER JUST GO MAKE MY OMELET, YOU'LL RECEIVE YOUR PUNISHMENT WHEN I GET BACK HOME!" She hissed and left the room.

Amanda's POV

I closed the door behind me and quickly followed behind her and got in the kitchen, I quickly made breakfast as usual and serve them into dishes. As I walked in my foot slipped and the food went flying into Uncle. Gasps could be heard.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Aunt got up raising her voice, my ankle was sprained but still I tried getting up. She moved towards me and slapped me across my face making me flinch in pain.

"YOU BITCH! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY CLOTHES!!" Uncle sent another slap across my face, I just kept silent and received all the kicks, hits and punches.

When they were done I managed to get myself upstairs in the attic and locked the door behind me, I touched my ribs and winced in pain. I slip down on my knees and cried at my state..

"Why? Why me?.." I cried at my pain and also for how I am being treated in this family.. "Why did you leave Daniel?" I cried more.. "Why Mom and Dad?.." I questioned and wiped my tears.

"It's okay.. I'll leave tonight itself.." I mumbled to myself and moved to the shelf and pulled out the first aid kit, I applied ointment on my wounds, ankle and my ribs.

"Don't come out of your room at 4 brat! Don't embarrass me.." Aunt Carissa yelled from downstairs.. I slipped in on my mattress and fell asleep crying.


I got up I don't know at what time but when I saw the bright moon instead of the shiny sun I removed my bag and tip toed out of the mansion from the back door.

"BITCH WHERE DO THINK YOUR GOING!?" I heard Tiffany's voice behind me in the kitchen, I didn't turn around instead I dashed out the backdoor and ran as my life depended on it.

I succeeded climbing over the fence and began running until I spotted the road, I looked behind and heard Tiffany's voice instructing some guards. Without any thoughts I run further to where the road is until I noticed a bus stop.

As soon as I stopped at the bus stop I felt nauseous, the woman sitting with a child hurriedly noticed and stabilized me. "Dear? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly making me sit down on the bench.

She gave me water and we both waited for the bus, the bus arrived and the lady stepped in first, before I could step a foot on the bus my ribs began hurting as hell and soon enough I noticed blood.

My vision blurred and I collapsed..

Xander's POV

As we were dealing with rogues in a town a smell touched my nose 'MATE!' My wolf gasped "What happened Alec?" I asked confused 'I can smell our mate!' he sang happily, I also got happy and let him take full control after mind linking Ashton, our beta to handle things with the rogues.

He obeyed and as soon as I knew it a beautiful young woman in her mid twenties collapsed in my arms "MATE" I whispered and the bus quickly drove off.

"Who is she? What happened to her?" I asked Alec, 'Xander you can check her memories and find out who she is.' Alec sighed "Right!" I mumbled and placed my hand on her head closing my eyes.

'Amanda Sevmond, 25 years old, orphan, lives with aunt and uncle, injured.' was all that I could capture. "Nothing will happen to you my Luna.." I promised the fainted figure on my arms and carried her bridal style and used my speed ability to reach the hospital.

She was quickly taken to the emergency room and was being treated by the doctors as of I had to fill in forms, "Patients name?" The receptionist asked staring at me in awe "Amanda Sevmond" I quickly replied "Your relationship with her?" She asked again "Wife" I replied no knowing what my wolf had answered.

'WHAT THE FUCK ALEC!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!??' 'Luna won't like it when other girls check you out while she is unconscious' he replied shortly as I sigh.

After a few minutes of waiting the doctor told me the issue "She has 4 broken ribs, internal bleeding and bruises all over her body.." I was in anger for some reason.

"We need to perform surgery to stop internal bleeding and fix the broken ribs" I nodded my head and went to pay for the surgery, shortly after I texted the beta that I'll arrive tomorrow with a special guest.

It was 5 AM in the morning and the nurse informed that Amanda was awake now, I quickly rushed in and sighed in relief. She turned her head and spotted me then smiled, 'so beautiful' Alec complimented.

I smiled back and walked towards her "how are you feeling now Amanda?" I asked sitting beside her, she frowned and asked in her sweet voice "How did you know my name?"

Next chapter