
"Make it True"

So... I wake up at a white room. Something greet me and told me I died. He(?) give me power give me another life. and here it is.

Hafkey · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1. Let's make it true


What? where is.... Dream? is this dream? huh.

Strange... this is my first time to have full consciousness in my dream, maybe this is what they called Lucid dream.

And why am I sitting in a chair on a white room? usually my dreams consist of bunch of weird colours and meaningless shits.

Let's change this.... not working... ok so what kind of dream is this?

Oh, I just realized there is something in front of me, look like a Human, maybe a guy?

Let's try to talk to him(?)

Hello?... My voice... it's there but I can't hear it.

[Yes? ]

Did he hear me? Hello, um, what kind of dream is this? ok that's weird.

[You are not dreaming]

What? if I'm not dreaming then what is this? dead realm?


.... You've got to be kidding me

[I'm not kidding. So how do you feel? ]

Weird. Somehow I don't feel bothered at all. So where am I going to? Hell? Well that's obvious because I definitely not going to heaven.

[You are not going anywhere. before we talk you are not going anywhere]

So what are gonna talk about? before that I want to ask something. are you a God?

[You can call me anything but "God" I'm far to inferior for that title]

Alright then Guy In The White Room (GITWR). What are we going to talk.

[About your new story]

Stories? like in books?

[No, not that 'story' but life story, we are going to talk about your new one because you have closed your old one]

But what are we going to talk about? are we going to talk about, reincarnating on an Anime stories?

[No, we are going to give you an original one]

Oh really? well that's good. so are you going to give me a power or something?

[Yes, because if I don't give you one, you will not be able to enjoy your life because this new world is a bit dangerous]

Am I going to choose my power?

[No, that won't be needed. I already have a power for you. "My Desire"]

" My Desire"? That's kinda lame.

[I know, but you can call it whatever you want to. I created this in references to your previous life]

You mean when I always want my desire becomes true when something bad happens, which always happen.

[Yes, you're right, just like its name it allow you to make anything you desire comes true]

Wouldn't that make my life become boring?

[Yes, it is, but you are not someone who cares about that didn't you? ]

.... Yes, you are right. This ability will make me happy, and this ability has its own challenge right?

[Yes, it has its own challenge. Making your desire become true also has a risk, so that's why I put some 'safety features' in this ability. but you still need to consider what you want to make true]

.... Alright I think this is good enough. so when do I go to my new world?

[Now, Later, or Never. You can go whenever you like]

I will go now, also are we going to meet again?

[It's up to you, whenever you want to meet me just make it come true. Also, receiving this kind of ability will make your connection to Time, and Fates break, making your future to be unpredictable. Meaning that your future is up to you, and fate will no longer comes in your way]

Isn't that bad?

[If you don't have this kind of ability it will become chaos, but you have this power so you are going to be okay. So ready to start again? ]

Yes i am. Thank you for this ability by the way.

[No Problem, I will wait for the time we can talk like this again. Enjoy your new life! ]
