
life without love

my name is Jean, I live in a country call Cameroon, Located in a city named douala. here is my story

I was born on 12 of August 2001 in a city douala. I grew up with my parents and when I was just three years old I found my love called Aisha. she was so beautiful and we walk together and do so manythings together. I remember a day when we went out to search for water, when we arrive at the wail she asked me to jump down into the well to fresh for some water because of the love I had for her I had to jump into the wail. I almost died but thank a man safe my life and pull me out of the water. From there I was taken to the hospital and when I return I couldn't see my love for days cus my parents stop me from seeing her I was sad literally nothing around could give me joy , I couldn't sleep at night for I was in love I wanted her beside me always, and when my parents found out I can't do without her they sent me far away to a place call nkambe a village where I grew up with my aunt... when my mom took me to my aunt she told me we're to go back together unfortunately I was disappointed when I came to realize my mom left me and went back to douala, I cried day and night no one to comfort me but as times went out I was use to it I have to live without her. I have to start making new friends though my mind never escape from my old friends including Aisha of which I loved the most. My aunty hard three children "Cluadia" "Nfor" "Afanyu", we were now four including me, they showed me love and care but I never knew it was just for the moment after some years pass by I started living in hell. I was bitting up by Cluadia forcing me to be calling her mom my mom , I have to go through torture for months I have to give up to call her my mom, I was treated different I felt insane I couldn't face all that but no choice was left for me, I cried day and night weeping to see my mom but there was no way for that , I was brutalized by Nfor he bit me up everyday, he initiated me in many other things like drugs sexual immorality and homosexual. Yeah I was a gay but I never wanted it he forced me so many times for me to do that with him but I couldn't just let myself so low I have to fight for what I don't love after all I blame my mom for it. she thought I was safe but never knew what I was going through. few years later my uncle brought a girl to stay with us I took her like my sister I loved her so much but she was something I never imagined. She used me as he sex machine, she sleeps with me everyday of which I was just 10 years old. when we go to bed at night Nfor would ask me and the girl to have sex, the whole night I'm awake. life was not easy on me