

"Mom I'm off to school!" "Wait Aki dear! You forgot to take your lunch with you! Here, NOW you can go." "Heh, my bad! I guess I was just feeling a little light headed that I forgot to pack it! Thanks mom! See ya after school!" The girl steps out of the house and starts running, "Oh cruuuuud!! I'm already late for school! And it's ALL thanks to my stupid, STUPID alarm clock!" She said frustrated. Aki/Akina was az 16 year old high school girl, being known as "The Clumsy Dweeb" of Great Oak High and her past schools, made her turn into a single pringle that no one wanted to be with, and ofcourse, since she has never had a what she would so call "The Best Moment of My Life" made her surprisingly eager see that moment happen right before her eyes could even imagine it happening. She, like anyone else had her eye on someone. One day she thought it would be an awesome idea to confess her deep feelings for the boy, even though she knew that one boy would never like her even if it meant he had to die, she decided to just toy with her own feelings and do it.

"Ok, here goes nothing! Wait!!- I forgot to apply some lip gloss to make my lips look as red as an apple!"

"Um... h-hey Reo! W-ha-at's up?"

"Mornin' Aki! how have you been? I've missed you a bunch!!"

**Hugs her**

**Aki blushes intensely**

"U-um y-yeah, in fact! I-I've missed you too!"

"Haha! Oh well, hey Aki-"


"Um, yes? What is it, you look a little redder than normal!"

"I um need to tell you something..."

"Uhmm, mmhmhm, I'm listening, go ahead..."

"R-Reo! This is serious! I-I like you! I like you a lot!!"

**Akina covers her mouth**

"I- that came the other way around!!"

"O-o-oh.. r-really? Wow.. W-well this was suddenly u-unexpected..."

**Aki laughs awkardly**


"A-aki.. I-"

**Reo sighs**

"I'm very sorry but I thought of our relationship as a 'brother and sister' kind of thing... I-I never thought it would go this far! I'm sorry but I don't like you! I have my eyes on someone else!"


"O-oh... I-I'm very sorry for asking then..."

**Reo mumbles**

"And she's much prettier than you..."

"W-hy do you n-not love me Reo?! Am I not good enough for you?!?!"

"E-exactly! Y-you're just not good enough!"

**Aki nods sadly**

"Well.. I guess this is a goodbye then Reo... Farewell childhood friend, I hope you one day find the 'good ENOUGH' person in the future..."

"Wait Aki no! Don't go!"-

T O B E C O N T I N U E D . . .

Sorry guys! This chapter was really short! I've been really busy with other things, so this first chapter was kinda rushed!! Heh-

so um.. please treat this part as a prologue of the girl Akina! :^

Bye!! See you guys in the next chapter which I for sure will make a bit longer! =D