
"I work at a bank in the United States."

"Reborn in 1979, I should have had the chance to show my skills and pursue grand ambitions. But why did I have to reincarnate into an American's body?! And now I have to take over a bank on the brink of bankruptcy?"

sckyh · Urban
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269 Chs

Chapter 66: The Friend of a Black Man

"Kazim, are you freaking sick? What the hell has Carter done for you?"

"None of your damn business! Mind your own damn business!"

"Damn it, Boris, what's this got to do with you?!"

The classroom descended into chaos. The black guys Kazim summoned weren't like those so-called white gentlemen, caring about where they were. Want to fight? Then just throw down!

With Kazim's foot landing on Gein's body, a massive brawl ensued. Perhaps realizing Carter was a coward, arrogant Gein didn't call too many people this time. In the early stages of the melee, they were overwhelmed by the outnumbered black guys, unable to fight back.

The situation of blacks fighting whites immediately stirred up a storm of racial tensions in the racially divided Almond.

Damn it! How dare the blacks bully us whites?! Other whites, who originally had nothing to do with it, couldn't tolerate it:

Causing trouble?! Rebelling?! Don't they know who's superior?!

As the melee, initially confined to the classroom, quickly escalated into a black-and-white free-for-all, with more and more black and white people rushing to the "battlefield," within minutes, the classroom where Carter was located was basically declared unusable.

Collapsed tables, chairs, and benches were everywhere. The blackboard was marked with alarming scratches. Even a chandelier on the ceiling was declared dead from attacks by unknown assailants.

The scene was chaotic!

"Stop it all! Separate! Separate!"

"If you don't stop, we will take action!"

Amid the chaos, until police officers from both the school and the city police department arrived to support, gradually calming the situation. As the clearly demarcated black and white crowds slowly withdrew, Carter, in the center of the conflict, naturally came under everyone's scrutiny.

"Hey, Uncle Carlos, you here? Come on, have a smoke!"

With a cigarette dangling from his mouth, Carter, sitting by the window, laughed upon seeing the police chief leading the city police department. Familiar face!

"What the hell is going on?"

Seeing Carter, who was basically a big shot now, Carlos was astonished and couldn't help but laugh bitterly. You, at least, are a big shot now. What are you doing fighting with a bunch of kids here? Isn't that beneath you?!

Carlos felt like swearing, but out of respect for capital, he still took the cigarette Carter offered and lit it up, casually asking about the situation.

Believe it or not, this little boss Carter was decent! I don't know where he learned this habit, but offering cigarettes to people was much better than those other troublemakers who just knew how to make noise!

Carlos, the police chief, with an attitude of only asking Carter and not caring about the opinions of others, the people present understood. While Kazim and the others were excited, Gein's side felt bitter.

This damn Carter, when did he even get to know the police? And this sir, is it right to take sides like that?! Giving Carter all the power to determine what happened, what will we get out of this?!

"Hey, it's not a big deal. These guys wanted to mess with me, and then my friend Kazim and his crew came to help me, that's it. The scene got a bit out of hand, sorry to trouble you, hahaha."

After handing out cigarettes to each officer, Carter casually pointed at Gein's group and said. But Carter's calm demeanor was shattered the next moment.

"Carter! You left early, and now you're causing trouble?!"

As the situation stabilized under the control of the police, Mrs. Mary stormed into the classroom, furious. Glaring at Carter with eyes blazing, it was clear that she wasn't swayed by Carter's words.

What do you mean they wanted to mess with you and Kazim came to help?! Didn't you instigate two groups to fight each other?!

"All right, Mrs. Mary, please calm down. We'll take the parties involved back to the police station, investigate the situation, and take appropriate action."

As soon as Carter heard Mrs. Mary's voice, he started winking and making faces at her. Carlos understood Carter's hint immediately. Without hesitation, he waved his hand and had Carter, Kazim, Boris, Gein, and the other ringleaders taken back to the police station.

At the police station, the difference in treatment was immediately apparent. Kazim and Gein's group were taken to the holding cell by another officer, while Carter went with Carlos into the officers' office. Carlos even brought a chair for Carter.

"You may dodge for a while, but not forever. Think about how you're going to explain this to Mrs. Mary when you go back to school tomorrow."

"You can dodge for now, but not forever. Hey, is that a cigar on your desk? You still smoke this stuff?"

Carter said, crossing his legs and speaking nonchalantly. This police office, having spent time here during gun training with Carlos before, the officers also knew him. Seeing Carter here, not even one of them was surprised.

"It's something I found when we were arresting people. Want to try?"

Opening the cigar box, Carlos tossed one to Carter, not even bothering to ask about the situation. After chatting for a while and putting on a show, Carter was free to go. Normally, issues on campus in the U.S. are handled by campus police. In big cities, there's a dedicated campus police department, separate from the city police department, but in small places, it's not that particular. The campus police in Almond are officers sent by the city police department, so if the city police release someone, the campus police won't ask too many questions. And this kind of thing, it's neither big nor small, just young students fighting, nothing too serious.

After a symbolic reprimand, Carlos let Carter and his crew go. Of course, Gein's group wasn't as lucky. They might not be kept in custody for long, but for tonight, Carlos had that authority.

Meeting up with Carter outside the police station, Kazim and the other black guys were extremely excited when they saw that Gein's group didn't come out with them.

For how many years, whenever we fought with white people, weren't they always the ones to leave first, and we followed behind? For the first time, we're walking in front of white people, making the black people who were experiencing the taste of privilege for the first time particularly excited.

"Hehehe, Carter, did I do well? Or is it just better to stick with you! Just now, I saw Gein still yelling inside, asking why the police didn't let them go!"

"Get used to it. Let's go, my treat. Thanks for helping me out today, guys. Hey, Kazim, go buy some cigarettes, bring them to school tomorrow, and give each of the guys who helped out today a pack!"

Following the "rules of society," Carter pulled out some bills and handed them to Kazim. But this seemingly normal action in Carter's eyes left Kazim dumbfounded for a while.

After coming to his senses, Kazim quickly pushed the money back to Carter:

"No, no, no, I can't take this! You helped me a lot, we're friends, we're brothers, I can't take this!"

"Yeah, Carter, you helped Kazim, helped Uncle Duke get out of the police station, helped us black folks, you're a friend of the black people. We can't take money from a friend!"