
"I work at a bank in the United States."

"Reborn in 1979, I should have had the chance to show my skills and pursue grand ambitions. But why did I have to reincarnate into an American's body?! And now I have to take over a bank on the brink of bankruptcy?"

sckyh · Urban
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269 Chs

Chapter 203 Welcoming Positions at the Dinner Party

"It's all good, it's all good! What we don't lack here is space. Having one more office like yours doesn't make much difference, and having one less wouldn't make much difference either."

Julian, with a smile on his face, put his hands on Carter's shoulders and gently pushed him into the office, then asked, "I haven't done much decoration inside. I don't know what style you like. If you have any ideas later, or if you come to New York again in the future, you can find someone to decorate it yourself. Anyway, you won't miss the money for decoration, haha!"

"Forget it, this is fine. I rarely come here, so there's no need to spend money on that. I haven't even touched Douglas's office!"

When Julian mentioned no decoration, it didn't mean there was absolutely none. It just followed the company's standardized decoration style, relatively simple, with only some office supplies, desks, chairs, sofas, filing cabinets, and no personalized design.

But where Carter didn't care much, it was completely different in Lecolece's eyes. High-end office buildings with panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows in the office, spacious office desks, and even at noon, the high-end community where Julian's family is located—everything she saw and heard expanded her horizons and added a touch of fantasy to New York in her eyes. Or call it longing and envy. With that, even the way she looked at Carter carried a hint of fervor.

After touring the company, it was almost half past four. With hardly any rest time, the three, along with John Griffin, set off again to the venue for the dinner party, the Plaza Hotel!

Hearing the name of this place, Carter thought of the famous Plaza Accord. Even without the Plaza Accord, the Plaza Hotel remains a synonym for the elite!

Located on Fifth Avenue, the Plaza Hotel is not far from Wall Street, but not within walking distance. If you drive, you can reach it in about ten minutes.

The Plaza Hotel, founded in 1907, follows the style of the French Renaissance in its decoration layout. It stands out for its luxurious and complex beauty.

As soon as they entered the hotel lobby, they saw a landscape composed of white marble columns surrounding mahogany trees. In front of this scene was a table with a white tablecloth, filled with intricately patterned gold tableware. Under the crystal chandelier, the light refracted layer by layer, shining brightly.

This scene not only brought a huge visual impact to Lecolece, but even Carter couldn't help but marvel at how these wealthy people could play.

As a future traveler, Carter had indeed visited so-called five-star hotels before, and even those that appeared more gorgeous than the lobby landscape here. But those landscapes, while impressive from a distance, were disappointing up close. The circuits, LED strips, lacked aesthetic appeal. In contrast, the Plaza Hotel here looked magnificent from a distance, and the closer you got, the more admirable were its detailed designs.

Every texture and line on each piece of tableware appeared smooth and round, and the splendid lighting effects were calculated through rigorous optical refraction. It made you know it was an artificial landscape, but you still felt it was a gift from the goddess of nature. Everything seemed so natural.

Except for the opening thunder of the mahogany hall, walking on the corridors of the hotel, one dazzling crystal lamp after another almost blinded Lecolece's eyes. But for Carter, these lamps were a bit less interesting, after all, he couldn't fly up to inspect the other details carved on them, right?!

So Carter became increasingly indifferent as he walked. Although the historic old hotel had its luxurious heritage, its old-fashioned decorative style was not Carter's cup of tea. If you were to talk about the style Carter liked, it would be something like the W Hotel, which was what young people liked.

"It's not too late now. At about six-thirty, the guests will arrive. By then, we need to go to the entrance to greet them!"

Observing Carter's reaction discreetly, Julian slightly admired when he saw Carter quickly return to normal from his shock. Then he took Carter into the hotel's makeup room, where the hotel-provided makeup artist was waiting.

"A bit simpler, after all, the lighting here is too bright. Don't use too many chemicals, it'll make your face look greasy and leave a bad impression!"

Perhaps afraid that Carter would resist makeup, Julian explained briefly as he sat down. Facing makeup for the first time, Carter didn't object.

He wasn't some terminally masculine man. Although he didn't like makeup, he didn't mind it when there was a need for it.

After the makeup, hairstyle, shoe polishing, and clothes pressing were all done, it was already just past six. Seeing that everything was ready, Carter prepared to go downstairs. Then—

"Where are you going?!"

Seeing Carter heading towards the stairs, Julian looked puzzled.

"Aren't you supposed to prepare to greet the guests at the main entrance?"

Perplexed, Carter became even more perplexed.

Did he have to take the elevator? There was no need for that at the second-floor banquet hall.

"Who the hell told you to go to the main entrance to greet them? Are you going to be a waiter? Come with me!"

With a bewildered expression on his face, Julian laughed as he watched Carter walk towards the stairs.

"As hosts of the banquet, we only need to greet guests at the entrance of the reception room! And don't stand right at the door. Just be near the entrance so you can greet every guest in time!"

Following Julian into the reception room outside the banquet hall, Carter indeed saw four waiters dressed smartly standing on both sides of the main entrance. Feeling awkward, he hadn't expected to be mistaken!

"This is the guest list. You can take a look, or not. Just sit for a while. I'll go and see how Griffin is doing in the back."

"Okay, you go!"

Taking the paper Julian took out of his pocket, Carter responded casually. Thinking that it was almost time, Carter didn't look for a seat nearby but stood near the entrance and started to read it.

The first person to arrive, surprisingly, was John Boger. Just as Carter was still reading the list, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear:

"Good evening, Mr. Blake!"