
Just a PR stunt

**Warning, this book is not for the light hearted. It mentions detailed subjects, such as gore, suicide, drug abuse and bullying. If you aren't ready for such topics, return later, when you can. The contents of this novel are 100% fictional, and have no real life correlation what so ever. If you would like to, feel free to change the genders and the names of the characters to your own satisfaction. Good luck**

"I know it is a tough time, but for Iris, we must push through. Some of us may not be as affected as the others, seeming as though we weren't all friends with her, but we can at least be a shoulder to cry on for those who did have that connection."

"If you need to take time out of lessons, you are free to leave and go to the study hall, to recollect yourself if it is ever too overwhelming."

Those were the words I heard after my first murder. Did I feel guilty? Not at all. I didn't plan on getting caught. My only goal was covering up my tracks and getting away with it. Possibly blaming somebody else. Most of it was already done. Our main course was bullying, with a side of suicide. And for desert, drugs, narcotics and peer pressure.

"This assembly is over, you are free to leave and go about your days."

Finally, I couldn't wait to get away from this farce. They didn't care about Iris. It was a PR stunt, so that the school could gain public closure. Honestly, it was a smart move.

"Hey Cerulean, are you okay?" asked Tamara

Tamara Stokes, the fakest little bitch, I'll take this opportunity to seem as traumatised as possible.

"Why do you care all of a sudden. You seemed to enjoy making snide remarks about me and Iris. I can't believe you have the nerve to talk to me after last break. After all, it was you and your friends that spiked her drink." I ranted.

Now, are people going to look over or not.

"Seriously?" I heard from the masses of the people

"Damn, that's fucked up."

"They bullied her?"

"Tamara, you can't act like a good person if you haven't really been one. You shouldn't change just because you led someone to death, you should stay the same. The same evil, fucking murderous bitch that you are!" I screamed at the top of my lungs to grab as much attention possible.

And the cherry on top, tears. Most people laugh when a boy cries. But not this time. I had planned to kill Iris for a long time. Ever since I met her. I just wanted her dead. The entire time I was with her , I made it seem that I loved her. When I didn't. We even went as far as kissing, and holding hands. She really thought I liked her.

But in actuality, I despised her. I drove her to suicide. I made all these arrangements, overwhelmed her and made her die. Why? I was bored. It was the same thing. For 14 years I would repeat the same thing over and over again. No variety in my life. So when I met her, I played with her for 2 years then made her be the end of herself.

The crowd was reacting to my advantage. It made it seem like Tamara and her friends were a driving force to making Iris kill herself.

"What the hell are you trying to do? Make me look like a villain?" Tamara grabbed my collar, pushing me around.

Wow, I'm surprised. She isn't as brain dead as she appears to be. She might just be a problem. Maybe she can be Iris version 2.

"Tamara, do you really want to do this?" I whispered.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I've already got everyones attention, all it takes is a simple fall to make you look worse." I smirked.

"You fucking bastard." She cursed at me, while pushing me harder.

She did this to herself, I gave her a choice. She chose the wrong one.

I dramatically fell to the floor. And stayed there. I waited for people to run over and check on me. I made sure to fall hard enough to cause my lip to be busted.

"Cerulean are you okay?" As I expected, people crowded around me to check up on me.

"She, she hit me." I turned over to show them my busted lip.

There was an uproar. Everybody began to yell at Tamara, screaming at her to leave. She'd lost most of her popularity and was painted as a demon.

"Cerulean Greaves?" An investigator asked.

"Yeah, that's me." I responded.

The investigator approached me and helped me get up.

Oh great, the police. I knew they'd come eventually, but this soon. It's only been a week since her death, I was praying for 2 weeks at best.

"We'd like to talk to you about Iris, seeming as you two seemed to have a pretty close relationship." the investigator continued.

"Can I take some time, I really need to get my head over the whole, suicide situation."

"That's fine CR, you can take as much time as you'd like." said the investigator.

CR? The only person who called me CR was Iris's dad. This is bad. Really bad. He wasn't supposed to be in town. This'll make my get away clean, much harder. I knew that there was a chance that he'd be back. But I seriously thought it was least likely.

"Oh, Mr Raymond, it's good to see you. But I should call you detective Raymond, since you're on this case, right?" I spoke.

"Yeah, It's detective. We'll find out whose responsible for her death, I know my girl, she'd never do this on her own."

"Yeah, she'd never."