

- At first glance, she seems innocent and sweet. Like a white flower, no thorns, and with a beautiful golden ribbon tied around its stem, but that's not her. Yes, she is a rose, but not the white ones. She is a red rose, with thorns, and instead of a golden ribbon, nothing is tied around its stem. You can admire, stare, and look at her all you want, but, one wrong touch, you'll get hurt. She has been used, lied to, shattered, broken, and many more, which is why she hasn't lend her heart to anyone. But what if someone she's close to has fallen for her? What if that person is willing to give up everything for her? What if that person is willing to take care of the red rose and keep it safe and sound, away from the ones who harms it. Will she open up her heart one more time or will she shut the person out like always? - "And who's this girl that keeps getting your attention away from me?" He simply smiled and nodded at the direction behind Tiffany. "Her"

HoneyLuv_ · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 30


Luna woke up with her vision blurry. She blinks a lot of times to get her vision clear, and it successfully did. "Good morning agent 001" the doctor greeted with a smile as she saw Luna waking up. "Where's everyone? Did we win the fight? What happened?" Luna asked as she starts to panic a little bit. "I need you to calm down. Everything is fine and yes you won the battle. Adrien went out for a while to get you some breakfast" the doctor explained as she rubs Luna's hand to calm her down. Luna nodded and took a deep breath. After a few seconds, Adrien walked in with a paper bag and a venti cup of caramel macchiato from Starbucks. He saw Luna awake and smile in an instant. "Good morning cupcake" he greeted and placed Luna's Breakfast on the side table before sitting next to her on the bed. "how are you feeling?" he asked and held her hand. "I'm feeling much better than yesterday. I can still feel the bruises and the stitching on my thigh but other than that, I am okay" Luna answered with a sweet smile. "That's good. Here, I brought you some croissant and your favorite drink from Starbucks" Adrien said and helped Luna sit up before reaching the paper bag and the coffee from the table. "Thank you," Luna said and placed the paper bag down beside her so she could take a sip of her coffee first.

"how's my father? I thought I told you not to shoot him" Luna asked as she finishes her last croissant. "we were worried that he might get in our way, we had no other choice. Ace didn't update us on them, but he talked to Michael last night," Adrien said as he stands up to throw the empty paper bag in the trashcan. Luna was about to speak when Ace suddenly walked in. "how's my moonlight?" he greeted as he walks towards Luna. Luna smiled and chuckled. "I'm okay, Ace," she said and finishes up her coffee. "I need you to talk to your parents today. The doctor said you can go around in a wheelchair but that doesn't mean you're discharged" Ace explained. Luna nodded and heaved a long sigh. A nurse then comes in with a wheelchair and helped Luna sit on it.

"Are you ready to talk to them?" Adrien asked while pushing her wheelchair going to their little jail in the building. "I guess. I do want to know my father's reaction to me being a secret agent" Luna said. "but what about your stepmother? Don't you want to know her reaction as well?" he asked. "no. I think she already knew I was an agent" she answered, making Adrien nod. After a few minutes, they arrived at the jail floor of the building and Adrien pushed Luna's wheelchair towards her parents' cell.

"Hello, parents" Luna greeted. Both her father and Mary looked at her at the same time. Mary saw her sitting in a wheelchair and scoffed. "pathetic" Mary whispered to herself. "say one more thing Mary and I will come in there and kill you myself. You know damn well I can easily do that" Luna threatened, making Mary shut up. "why didn't you tell me, Luna? Why didn't you tell me you're a part of Ace's agents" John asked as he comes near and holds the bars between him and Luna tightly. "because I have the privilege whether I tell you my true identity or not. what about you, John? Why'd you agree on arranging this bullshit called marriage?" Luna asked, furious. "I didn't have enough money to pay his family" John simply answered. "so, you chose to basically sell your daughter? Tch, pathetic" Luna said and scoffed. "you're the one to talk. You literally let people shoot your own parents! We're the only family member you have left yet you didn't care? What if that shot killed us? Then you'll live the rest of your life without any family member!" John suddenly raged. Luna got pissed, surprised that her father is suddenly yelling at her and hastily stood up, ignoring the pain where her stitches are. Adrien tried to stop her but Luna was already near the bars and reached for John's face. she took a hold of his face tightly and leaned in even closer. "if you died right then and there, I wouldn't lose any family member. Do you know what I'd lose? Problems. You are nothing but problems. Bold of you to say that you're family when you didn't do shit but make my childhood shitty. You didn't do shit to take care of me. You tried to build a perfect little doll for your own business. Well, guess what, I'm no doll, but I'm a ticking bomb who can easily kill you. Besides, I can never accept that you're my family. You know who my family really is? Ace, Adrien, Kelly, and everyone else working here in this building. They made me strong, made me bulletproof, taught me what love truly is, taught me what sisterhood is, what it feels like to have a father. So don't talk shit about how you raised me or how you're my only family left, I could kill you right now and give no fuck about your death, but that would ruin the fun. So, I'll leave you here, no technology, no one else to talk to, and no daughter to play little games with" Luna sternly argued still holding a grip on his face. "since I'm already here, why not tell me Michael's other family member? I'm sure there is and I'm sure you know who they are. You have been their dog for quite some time now anyway" Luna asked. "I will never tell you. Nor will Mary" John said and spitted on Luna's face. with her free hand, Luna wiped the saliva off her face and looked at John expressionless before slamming his face hard on the bar, making him groan, holds his face and lies down on the floor. "then starve to death" Luna said before sitting back on the wheelchair. "let's go back to the clinic" Luna said. Adrien nodded and pushed her towards the elevator. On their way, they met a guard. "make sure not to feed those two or you're fired. Understood?" Luna instructed. The guard nodded and let them enter the elevator to go back to the clinic.

"How was the talk?" Ace asked when he went back into the clinic to check on Luna later that day. "nothing. Everything John said was full of useless shit and Mary didn't even talk" Luna answered. "so, you told the guards to let them starve?" Ace said. Luna nodded, still feeling a little furious and felt like she was lied to by her own father. Ace noticed her expression and sat beside her. "Look on the bright side. They're behind bars and fewer people will come for you" Ace said, trying to lift up her mood. Luna looked at him and smiled. "I'm pretty sure more will come for me, but I'm ready," she said. Ace smiled as well and kissed her on her forehead. "that's my girl. Get some rest, you'll be back on your daily training after you're discharged" Ace said before leaving the room. "what about you? Don't you need to go home to get some clothes if you're going to stay here?" Luna asked Adrien. He just smiled and sat on the chair next to her bed. "no. I'll stay here tonight. I can just get y clothes tomorrow" he said as he holds Luna's hand. Luna said a soft "okay" before letting Adrien tell her what happened in the past weeks of her not being home.