
"Fuinjutsu's Rebirth: A Child of Two Worlds"

what will happen when a guy given a second chance. and he chose to reincarnation in Naruto, which highest level of fuinjutsu talents. to find out keeps reading.

Daoist16laAP · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Time skipe -

1 weak later 


Currently, I find myself standing at the gate of the Senju compound with Tsunade. You might be wondering how I ended up here, considering the circumstances. Well, let me tell you that many things have transpired in this short span of time.

It all began on the day I finally resolved my doubts regarding my wish. I purchased a brush, paper, and ink for the practical study of fuinjutsu. Now, you might be wondering how one can practice fuinjutsu without having unlocked their chakra.

The truth is, I wasn't practicing fuinjutsu at that point. Instead, I dedicated my time to the fundamentals of fuinjutsu. I spent the entire day practicing my writing, and let me tell you, it left me utterly drained. My body, akin to that of a 3-year-old who had never exercised a single day in their life, ached from the effort. 

You might be raising an eyebrow, wondering how a 3-year-old could exercise. But here's the twist – this isn't my previous world. No, this is a ninja world where young children, some as young as 10 or 11 years old, are thrust into the battlefield. 

The world is embroiled in a war, and Konoha desperately requires every ounce of manpower it can muster so boy young as 7-8 years old have to go on battlefield. 

Here's another shocker –Tobirama Senju is not dead, yet Hashirama Senju, the God of Shinobi, has passed away not so long ago. In my previous life, it was tobirama senju who met his end first. It seems that this world is far from being a carbon copy of the one I once knew.

So Yes, I was tired from the previous day's intensive writing practice, and I had locked myself in my house for a full four days, devoting my time to honing my writing skills. By the end of those four days, I had become as proficient as a novice, at least in the realm of writing.

So, five days after my reincarnation in this ninja world, I found myself growing a bit restless and bored inside my house. I longed for a simple afternoon walk through the village and a quick grocery run. As I contemplated this, I passed by a ninja supply shop, and something caught my eye – a seal that I immediately recognized. It was an explosive tag, activated by applying chakra.

Curiosity piqued, I decided to step inside the shop. Upon entering, I encountered a man in his forties who appeared to be the shopkeeper. His surprise was evident when he saw a three-year-old boy entering his store.

He asked me, "Are you lost, kid?" I replied, "No, I was going to buy groceries, but I spotted this shop."

The shopkeeper, with a kind and grandfatherly demeanor, explained, "I'm sorry, kid, but this is a ninja shop. There are no candies here."

I pointed at the explosive tag and asked, "But can I buy that tag?"

He replied, "No, kid, it's for ninjas, and I don't think you've even unlocked your chakra."

I felt a bit disappointed that I couldn't buy it. I wanted to study it and create my own explosive tag. "So, if I unlock my chakra, can I purchase it?"

He replied, "No, kid, you're too young to play with it. This seal is very dangerous for someone your age."

With a heavy heart, I decided to leave the shop and head back home. However, as I was making my way home, something caught my eye from the corner of my vision – a flash of golden hair. I turned to look, and my heart skipped a beat as I saw her. Butterflies began to flutter in my stomach, and I couldn't help but pause in awe. 

For a moment, I stood frozen like a statue, but I quickly recovered my composure. "What happens to me every time I see her?" I muttered to myself. Despite our less than pleasant previous encounter, I decided to approach her.

As I walked toward her, she turned and noticed me approaching. I thought she might be angry because of our earlier meeting, but I decided to make amends. "Hello, my name is Jiro, and I'm sorry for not paying attention to you previously, Tsunade-sama," I apologized.

Tsunade replied playfully, "Nice to meet you, Jiro, and you can call me Tsunade. So, what are you carrying?"

I answered, "Just groceries."

Tsunade seemed surprised. "You buy your own groceries? But you're the same age as me. My parents don't let me go too far from the compound," she said with a pout.

I couldn't help but find her pouting cute, and the words slipped out before I could stop them. "Cute."

Tsunade blushed at my compliment and stammered, "W-w-what are you saying?"

My heart raced as I realized my unintentional comment had made her blush. I quickly tried to smooth things over. "I mean, it's cute that you have such a protective family. It's nice, really."

Tsunade's blush began to subside, and she smiled. "Yeah, I guess it is. So, what brings you to this part of the village?"

I explained how I was on a walk and wanted to buy groceries but ended up in front of the ninja shop. We continued to chat, and I soon discovered that we had more in common than I initially thought. We both had an interest in exploring the village, and she shared stories of her life within the compound. 

Then is asked tsunade "tsunade do you want to be my friend "

As I said it she seems quit surprise. She replied excitedly " yes ,jiro I love to be your friend"

As our conversation flowed, Tsunade suddenly extended an invitation, "You know, Jiro, if you ever want to come over and hang out, you're welcome at our place. I could show you around the compound, and we could have some fun together."

I was taken aback by her generosity but accepted her invitation with gratitude. "That sounds great, Tsunade. I'd love to visit your home sometime."

Then she said " YES, OK, we will meet day after tomorrow at park"

Now I am Currently, standing at the gate of the Senju compound with Tsunade, " come on jiro "


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