
"Empress" Stephanie: They think, "She's a Goddess"! Well, I'm not!

Tags: Action ; Adventure ; Modern ; overcoming child abuse ; REINCARNATION ; fighting crime ; Spreading Peace ; Creating global safe haven ; Royal Realm ; SUPERNATURAL ; vegan ; government ; CUT INFORMATION ; mental health ; Features cameos of current President Obama (Well he was President, when I had time to think about my story, and when Istarted to write it). Synopsis 1 A little girl, is living in poverty, atop a mountain. As she doesn't know, that she's a princess, Stephanie has a shock, on her first day of school: The other people glare at her, as they bow to her. Shortly after the first situation is resolved, another more frightening trauma arises: Members of her family disappear! For more information, read about 911 Stephanie's dangerous life! Synopsis 2 This time-travel fantasy constantly rewrites itself, as history changes. Some people remember the different versions of their lives,albeit out-of-order. A very tiny little girl, lives in poverty, even though her absent parents are King and Queen, of a realm. The little girl has only one friend, her remotely distant cousin. They live in a massive mansion, on top of, an even more humongous Mountain. The little Stephanie, struggles with strife, and a bully, as she attempts to get to school. At school, she faces angry people, including her teacher! After her troubles are supposedly solved, more heartaches and tragedy "slaps her face": She just met her real family, for the first time. Suddenly, her father disappeared. (Wait. The family members disappeared before she meets them, in this series of "lives". That's what I mean, someone manipulates time, so everything and everyone will become confused. As Stephanie, and Cousin Brian, train, in anything that might help in their quest: more family members disappeared. Along with cross training, with the different branches of the USA military, she also learned Marshall Arts. Seeing, as how, the people might be injured, both Heros, become Emergency doctors. That's only the first part of this story. SYNOPSIS 3 - overview This is a story about a girl, who is forced to time travel, and lead various lives which somehow overlap. There is a lot of alteration. I also use Harry Potter, and Star Trek Voyager, among other films and shows, to try to illustrate my work. Synopsis 4 Stephanie Vitality, is a reincarnation of someone else. She was created, when the other person, went swimming in The Fountain of Youth, which is also a Wishing Well. Stephanie is the victim, of other reincarnated people, who, are trying to fix a heinous catastrophe: The Fountain of Youth, AKA The Vitality SUN - INFUSED River, was CONTAMINATED‼️ Someone, thinks that, if Stephanie restarts her first trip to school, until she gets the strange journey perfected; that that will solve everything‼️ Another newly made life form, thinks that he can play with Stephanie, as though she's a doll. He tossed her in the air, and got her to do gymnastics and acrobatics, while she was scared to death. The original item, that was animated in the river, obviously, didn't know what he was doing. As Stephanie manages to get older, she finds a lot of look-alike females, who are actually various versions of herself. Some of them, were made in the water. Every Time Stephanie has to restart an activity, she is dunked into the magic water. Sometimes, Stephanie is pushed through the space-time continuum, to different places on Earth, and to different points in history. Every time Stephanie appears, a new version of her, is also created. This is because, the wind picks up the water, (and numerous life forms,). The saturated wind, creates a humidity, that duplicates everything and everyone it touches. On top of everything else, Stephanie becomes the Queen of this place, that she doesn't understand. She has to solve everyone's problems. Her adventures can suddenly stop. Next thing we know, she's reincarnated as a baby again. Enjoy

Jessicanicoll · Fantasy
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86 Chs

new chapter: 2½ ; 2⅓: Another new life

New chapter: 2 ½: A new life part 1

This time; it was fun; in the hospital. I made lasting friendships. That doesn't usually happen. Since I never knew anybody my age; who stayed the same age; unlike my mysterious family; I wanted to keep these new people; in my life. I took a lot of classes; one major concept; at a time; One sub-concept (I mean the tiniest element at the tippy top of the pointiest iceberg) about, ... :

(In random order)

🙋‍♀️ "Social Skills 1: A Beginner's journey: How to Make, and to Keep friends" ;

🙋‍♀️ "Beginner's Social Graces 1: Learning How to be Positive, Polite, Calm, and the right amount of Sweet" ;

🙋‍♀️"Positive Coping Skills 1: A Beginner's Guide to Getting Through Situations, in a Healthy Way" ;

🙋‍♀️"A New Groovy Way To Have Fun With Learning First Edition, 1977: An Easy to Understand jive, for Weee Tiinnyyy Ttottss." (It was just the title; that was complicated and silly)

🙋‍♀️"Journaling for the Newest Members of Society; No Matter Your Age; We Custom Fit; The Lessons With You. A Beginner's First Foray; Into Keeping Track Of Ideas; Events; And More"!

🙋‍♀️"Social Graces For Beginners: 1: book 1: How to Quickly and Politely Quit a Conversation; When; The Following things Happen: ...,".

🙋‍♀️"Learning to be Creative; and to Work Well; with Others, Vol. 1 : ...: Book 1 : ...: Chapter 1: ... Paragraph 1: ...: Sentence 1 ... "

(Well; at 5 years old; and Knowing a bunch of languages and dialects; from Lucy Tutoring me; I was grateful; for someone; to go slowly; over one detail at a time; instead of high school pace). Even so; this was ridiculously simple, and it took Forever; Yet; I never aged a minute. Neither did my hospital classmates. We got to know each other quite well‼️

Speaking of taking a bunch of (What should have been) 9-month-long courses; each at a baby snail's or baby sloth's speed; It took forever to get it all done. Every workbook; lasted for at least; 10 "normal" years straight; even with the "weekends; holidays; and vacation" days canceled. I worked "every day": One book at a time. 1⅕ of a page; lasted five weeks; as the pages were jam-packed with information; and things to do. Even some adults use these books this slowly; to get each thing into a healthy habit. The thing is; they tend to have 3 or 4 different classes a day; so that; they can master more than one thing at a time. Or, sometimes adults have different study groups. I'm skipping ahead; to tell you; about all of this adult stuff. Here's an example; from when I was much much older; in real-time: Once; after we spent years fine-tuning our more complicated skills; we were handed a big smile face; with a simple caption. Then the people gave their pitch; like we were 2 years old; instead of well great grandmothers and to 30 somethings.

🙋‍♀️back to that eternity; of being only 5 years old; I was so well versed in everything; I was able to help other people; in my "down" time".

Even though; someone stopped time; for everyone all over; we still aged and matured normally. We had our circadian rhythms; or internal clocks; after all. I don't know why someone was controlling the calendar and external wall clock time. It made no sense. The time still elapsed as it always did. We grew up; to our full heights. It was a drag; for people; who didn't have interesting people; to talk to them; all this time.

How do the "mystics" think; that they are controlling time? Whatever they were doing; did shatter the space-time whatever it was. I have a long name for something that's also called, "time tinkering".

Well; as I said; I was able to become an expert; in all of those books. I was helping other people; too.

I also had the same bedroom; as before this; as the hospital; was just downstairs; somewhere or other.

I've had the same bedroom; no matter where I go.

How'd They Done That?

How'd They Done That?

- I have credited a couple of Artists for this; Most extensively for Melissa Etheridge's "cover", of The Staples Singers' Song, "I Know A Place; I'll Take You There"

My musings :

Well, we looked in the mirrors

We looked at each other

What we saw

Didn't match

I looked very young and thin

in the mirrors

I looked old and worn

when I saw my reflection

in her glasses.

The glasses enlarged the

pupils in her eyes

She looked like a 50

year-old person

when we stood

in front of the


She looked like a

teething tot

How can this be?

How can this be?

I felt very young

when I was listening

to the teacher

When I got

up to go home

I felt old and limp

I often felt like

I was shrinking

and then growing

What is happening

What is happening

I love to sit

here in class

I feel so cute and lively

I know the answers

we've been

here forever



I'm glad I know

how to cope‼️

I don't think I

can take this

anymore ‼️

I'm so old

I'm still going

to beginner's classes

after all this time

All the clocks

throughout the island

say 8:15 am

September 1st, 1977

How can this be?

When will it end?

Suddenly, it was over forever.

I was 5 again; full-time; going through regular time.

End new chapter 2 ½

new chapter: 2 ⅓: Another new life part 2


Fortunately; I retained my memories; from all of that studying, and using "new" skills.

Since time stood still; people didn't think to eat, drink,...

We bathed in saved river water; several times a day. We knew; to filter out former humans, and other animals; although; we didn't know; who or what those brightly colored things were. We also didn't know; that we were duplicated; every time; we touched one droplet of special water. Those were our own "counterparts". They were new versions of us. That's some water.

After completing the hospital "one lone nanosecond" tenure; when on the last "real day" the time tinkering people; could not control our "Tiny Tot" environment; any longer; I was ready to collapse.

I spent more time in the hospital. This time; I was allowed to age with the time. It was great; like when I first started the first class. I was a regular person; with hunger; and everything else.

One thing that puzzled me; was that when I got to what should have been preteen; to 40 something; I didn't have to go through a certain process. It was a relief; to just age; without certain things.

The answer to the mystery:

What I didn't know then, is: This is not my first go-round in life‼️

I grew up to be a 49-year-old, lady; before I came to this place; for the first time; in any reincarnation. Really‼️

Well; you will find out more; in future chapters.

Every so often; I remember; something; from anywhere or any time; in my sabotaged existences. I think; I mentioned that; already.

It just came to me!🤦‍♀️When I said something about jumping "ahead of myself; to talk about when I was an adult" (chapter 2½ ); I was talking about my normal life; before this Island insanity.

Well; whatever. You can see; how this place got all jumbled

up in the first place.

I spent my time finding ways to improve the hospital; and everything. It was a big undertaking; for a 5-year-old kid.

Fortunately; I had the unending secret source; of space-time sparkling fountain of youth water. (The river; before; it was contaminated)

I also had Brian; my family; and my friends with me; all of the time; at home; and sometimes in the hospital too. Brian is my distant cousin; yet; we act more like friends.

At this point; I thought that I would always have proper etiquette; and great coping skills. I was wrong.

Someone keeps erasing my memories; even ingrained habits.

The future; was not Rosey; all of the time.

I had a blast; working with everyone; from the CEO of the hospital to the patients; and members of the various clubs.

Started to think about something:

"Even after I leave this place; so that I can go to the first grade‼️ Gee. After all of that; I still ... ‼️


Even after I leave the hospital; for the first grade; I somehow will still have time; to do all of my hospital duties; chores; and socializing; while attending school.

Wait‼️ What ❓❓

I will be back in an, "One minute; I'm a hospital worker; the next minute; I'm a little kid starting elementary school" predicament.

How do I know this?

How will this be possible?

Why can't they stop playing with the space-time thing?

I put the "problem" out of my mind. As I didn't let it bother me; that I was this anomaly; in a bizarre land; I went back to having fun.

I was so good at so many things; that people just looked at me; in amazement. I thought about that. I was amazed at everyone else's reactions to me. I didn't say it; although; spending about 100 years; on perfecting one's manners and coping skills; will help a lot.

I was carrying a report; to a doctor; when something strange happened. I heard my voice; coming from the pager; on my shirt. Everyone; heard it too. It was a teenager's voice; at first; narrating something. It was bizarre. I recognized the voice; as I have often recorded my notes; and then played them back again. I heard Brian as well. Then; I heard laughter; from the broken space-time whatever. People; from other parts of the fractured histories; futures; and even the present; we're laughing at the version of me; from another time; who was talking about the jumbled-up events that were happening that day; as they happened.

Well; I journal every day. I didn't realize; that; I was giving a running commentary; of my life; as weird things occurred; in this Island Paradise.

I heard an elderly version; of myself; talking in unison; with the first voice. My thinking voice; and more and more of my speaking voices; of various ages; were synchronized; in the same narration; that followed what my original form of me; was doing.

I'm sure none of that makes sense.

Apparently; I tell my story every chance I get; as it happens; as well as at other times...

Something went wrong; with the space-time dimensional continuum system; so that it was sparking electronic pulses systematically throughout the wild web; of alternative realities; that keep getting invented; as people traveled back and forth; through time.

Instead of one future decree; about how the "space-time whatever"; should be; all of the future voices; from everywhere; were coming back in time; to be broadcast; through our communities from gadgets; and even the air itself. Whatever was spoken; in that pathway; through; the space-time ... was heard all at once; as the laws of ...: physics; space-time; and other sciences and nature; were broken; by time travel; and controlling time itself. Whatever kept things going; (as we came to know reality;) was disintegrating into devastation. Deleted.

I could visualize myself; in bed; fully clothed; and wearing my armor over all of that. I had so many of the various kinds of bedding layers on me. Plus; a pile of rambunctiously playing children, and Brian as well; were covering me; too.

I was still talking, and giving a blow-by-blow commentary; of how I felt; and what I thought; too.

I could feel and experience; the whole convoluted day; when I was mysteriously placed in different parts of this space-time dimensional continuum sparking systematic backfiring of jumbled-up events.


Suffering stupidity; since some specific specimens still suddenly soar so smoothly "solo"; seemingly systematically: space-time manipulative anarchy.

This is the Explanation; of how people could jump in and out of space-time ... for the purposes; of "solving problems"; when; in fact; the people; were causing more problems:

People who drink the pure river water; (without any life forms, or objects in it; ) transform; into actual (solar) stars. These suns; somehow; don't have anything dangerous; Except for the highest level of brightness possible.

They are fully aware, of themselves; and they sometimes retain their memories. They can get to be any size. Also; they have supernatural powers; like Superman. This sun - heroes; usually return to human form; on their own. If they are awake; they suddenly wear somewhat loose; yet well-fitting clothes.

The water; is The Fountain of Youth; a Wishing Well; and a tranquilizer; among other things.

The sunbeam; that hit the water; off of the coast of Connecticut; near a mostly submerged mountain; created this magical water.

If you are still here; and you're wondering, "What is going on; with this chapter"?

The Answers are:

1. I get distracted.

2. I have been explaining this a lot. I hope someone understands; what I am saying. What is more exciting; than examples of space-time abnormalities; that happens; in the story?

3. This is an example; of the damage; to the space-time thing; that I keep telling you about; in this book.

4. it is 12:12 am. I'm tired.

Good Night.

Well; It is 12:57 am; on the following day; so I don't have much to say; except for ... :

At some point in the future; I will be able to; somehow; send specific messages; backward in time; to all of the new rays of the alternate past; which form a frayed web.

This will solve a lot of problems, and as the space-time ... is restored to its original "healthy" form.

Unfortunately; this cure; will be sabotaged. That's why; that mysterious phenomenon; happened; when; I heard my future voice; narrating that bizarre day.

Also; crowns, and strange discs; called, "DVDs" fell out of the clouds; above. The machines for the discs; also dropped to earth. Nothing was damaged. We somehow knew; how to work the players; so that; we could watch the movies ... . We also; suddenly; knew all about each crown. It seems; A bunch of evens; will connect the royal attire; to me; as well as a future president of the USA.

People looked at me, for answers. I didn't know; what to tell them. I forgot everything. I had total amnistía.

I was growing and shrinking. I was a changeling. I was of different ages. My clothes; and my hair; changed with me. I was a miniature person; or a giant; or anywhere in between those extremes. It was horrible‼️

I was all alone; in a field. After a while; I heard my voice; from far into the future; as it yelled, "Stop That‼️"

Suddenly; I found; that I was that Stephanie! The one; who just shouted‼️

Somethings happened; I'm not sure what. I fainted.

When I awoke; I...

Now; we may go to chapter 3; as though nothing happened; since chapter 2.

End of new chapters which were created; due to sabotaging space-time...

(I'm back to the little girl; who finally recovered; from ...: descending an enormous, nearly vertical cliff; crossing a river, on the sidewalk, of a bridge; and hiked more miles; to the base, of another mountain. My life fluctuates so much; from various parts; of the space-time ... ".
