
Chapter 2: Hold Up, WHAT!

She sat down comfortably on the couch watching 'Thor Love and Thunder.' grabbing some movie theater buttered popcorn. She munched with extreme interest, with Knight laying on the couch beside her. Sport had left after breakfast, getting to his training on time.

He hadn't said a word other than he'd be back, maybe he needed to get away from his family after Gem. He would tell her if he needed to, other than it wasn't any of her business. Even after years of being friends, she knew he didn't talk much about such things. She understood why, she didn't talk about Alex either. The relationship had been over for a long. Don't dwell in the past always it the present future. Never keep yourself back always, always, go forward.

When the movie came to an end, clicking the TV off, she began putting everything away. Today she would go swimming in a lake not to far away, writing a note. She packed her cooler, and her beach bag, making sure she had everything she needed. She called for Knight who really didn't want to go anywhere. So she walked to the garage loaded everything up, looking forward to a good swim. She clicked the button watching the garage door open, backing out slowly. The road was clear pulling out she headed to the lake, getting excited about a good swim. She checked the temperature, 98 degrees perfect for a nice breath taking swim, though the temperatures would cool down soon. Driving down the gravel road she took a smooth right, and pulled up beside the boat ramp.

Nobody seemed to be around, not even a fishermen, this was going to be better than she thought. Going to the park restrooms she changed, slipping on a nice crocheted top. To cover herself until she got back to lake slipping on her flip flops, she walked quickly to the ramp. Tossing her flip flops off to the side, she reached high above moving her arms in circular motion down to her sides. Satisfied on how her back and shoulder muscles respond she took two steps a dove in keeping her arms above her head to cut through the water. Swimming deep she flipped in the water than turned to the right, going to the surfaced she tossed her hair back taking a deep breath. The water felt wonderful, the sun was shining perfectly on the water, glittering like golden diamonds. Across the rippling surface, the moment was perfect, kicking her feet lightly she began to float on her back taking in the gentle sun rays.

Closing her eyes in absolute relaxation, she loved nature and how it made her feel reminded her of pure contentment. That's how it made her feel, a peaceful was important to her. And nature is the extra bonus to make it happen, she heard a loud thunk under the water, she opened her eyes scanning the area. When large hands grabbed her by the waist, she gasped surprised suddenly spinning in the water. Slamming into a large chest, putting her hands up in reflexes to stop the connection. When she realized it was her friend, she hissed quietly,

"You do like to live dangerously don't you Mr. Sport."

"Hey I moved your knee away, I'm rock solid Ms. Winter." He chuckled as he pulled her very close, pressing his face into the curve of her neck. Breathing in her scent, nudging her wet dark hair. When he became very quiet holding her tight against him, he whispered softly,

"I always make a touch down."

Winter gasped realizing what he meant earlier this morning. Her entire body stiffened up, he sighed moving his hands over her to relieve the tension.

"Listen to me very carefully Winter, there was a day I had come across a beautiful woman. Yet I had made a mistake, I told myself. That given the chance I would never make that mistake again. That woman took my breath away everytime I seen her, how I hated men touching her. Feeling something deep within me revealed something, I'm very much a man. She was absolutely beautiful, her laughter would bring something out in me.

The scents on her body would bring my senses forth, memorizing everything about her. I could feel her presence before I seen her, seeking her out. Than she would appear in good times and bad times. Yet everytime I seen her, I realized something huge. I had made a terrible mistake, I would never do it again. Seize the moment, conqueror my need. That woman Winter. Is you, I wasn't kidding beautiful. I meant every word, I know your surprised, Winter. I controlled myself for years, yet took every moment in like a sponge. Your mine Winter, and you will soon come to realize this. I'm also your friend Winter, the more time I have with you. The more satisfied I am, date me."

Winter gasped trying to push him away, he kept massaging the tension in her. He sighed,

"Date me Winter, just give me a chance."

"Alright, you big lug can you ease up just a little bit."

Winter splashed him he watched her for a few seconds, than picked her tossing her over his shoulder. As he walked towards the boat ramp, Winter squeaked a response.

"I'm not finished yet, you big baboon. Sport!!!"

He started chuckling walking to her car, grabbing the towel. Lightly putting her on the grass wrapping her with the towel,

"Your freezing Winter, your body's trembling you have a slight blue tint to your lips. Eat something, take the sun in warm your ass up."

"Sport! Your breakfast was an eight not a nine!"

Sport gasped placing his hand over his heart as if it hurt.

"What! Hey I proved to you I could cook. I did a great job, an eight my ass no way. Why do you rate it as an eight?"

She grabbed Dr. Pepper from her cooler and offered him a coke. Cracking the bottle open, she distracted herself with the soda, to surpress her smile and laughter. She actually he had done a good job, it had been very sweet. Yet you know us women we're always playfully creative, she thought to herself.

"You forget the toast with sweet butter, and my chocolate milk."

"You didn't need the toast you had a bran muffin, and chocolate is a luxury not a breakfast. So my breakfast stands at a ten."

He grabbed another towel wrapping it over his shoulders. The sun felt great, he cracked open his coke, needless to say. He made his touchdown, though she is cautious. A man means such a warning, especially when they always wanted a specific woman, Seize the moment, don't let the fly through your hand. Grasp it. He thought to himself, watching her quietly feeling those emotions start come forth. Yup, now maintain myself, until every moments right, as I memorize everything about you. Winter took another drink becoming very thoughtful stating clearly,

"Alright it was an eleven, it was very sweet. Thanks for not burning the kitchen down." Finally she busted up laughing, covering her mouth. That onery spark glittering in her eyes again, putting her Dr Pepper down she tossed the towel over his face and sprinted down boat dock and dove deep. Grabbing the towel he almost responded until he heard the water splash. Going into a full sprint he leaped and dove going in her direction.

This was going to be very interesting, she is an onery one. At least they're dating now, that soothed him deeply, though he could still feel everything she does to him. The cold water is indeed welcomed at this moment, now he had go fishing. Winter surface with laughter she had escaped now she could finish going swimming.

Seeing him begin to surface she ducked under going to his left towards the sunlight it should conceal her from his sight, for a little while she thought. Sport looked around the water, covering his eyes with the shadow of his hand. He looked through the water carefully, until he spotted a slender foot. Than reached, grabbed and pulled he felt her spinning multiple times to loosen his grip. She then surfaced sending a huge wave in his direction, it hit him head on. Drenching his entire head as he blew at the water dripping off of his letting her ankle go. Diving in right after her, she squeaked again, swimming away as fast as she could. Ready to hit him with another wave this time she'd use her feet. Slamming into something hard Winter shook her head lightly, watching droplets move in paths down his chest.

Just at that moment his arms wrapped around her waist, pressing her up against him. Winter gazed up seeing the confident smile on his face, she blushed turning her eyes away from the droplets glittering in the sun. He leaned forward lifting her chin with his hand, moving closer to her lips.

"Like what you see Ms. Winter."

She blushed again rolling her lip between her teeth, splashing him again. The wave moved up over them as droplets of water cascaded down on them. The moment caught her breath he leaned forward claiming her lips.

His arms tightened around her waist, deepening his kiss feeling butterflies move in her stomach. The kiss could have curled her toes, trying to stay in control she gasped again. He tongue taking possession of her mouth, her hand touched his cheek lightly. Okay she would let the control go just once, this is a strange turn of events she thought honestly.

Sport moved his hands over her back his body responded to her response. Grabbing one of her arms he placed it over his shoulder. Walking across the floor of the lake he lifted her as he walked out of the water.

Placing her on the picnic table, he broke the kiss and wrapped her with a towel. He looked directly at her,

"Time to get home Winter, it's already 6:30pm the park closes at nine, and your shivering. I'll follow you to your house, I'll be staying for a little while."

"That's fine, well let's head out I got my swim in just like I needed to. You still have your keys?"

He pulled out a pair of keys in his car, that had a charmed diamond on it. He jingled them lightly than got into his mustang and turned to follow her as she headed out of the park. Finally making it home, she had turned on the heater. Realizing she had been very cold, hitting the button both garage doors opened. She pulled it at the same time Sport had. Watching the garage doors close she got out locking up her car taking everything in. While Sport joined in, picking up the rest of the stuff walking into the kitchen. She hung up her keys, turning to Sport just realized he is now her boyfriend. This is a turn events, never in all the years she had known him.

Did she ever think she would be dating Sport, that had never entered her mind. Sport had always been with Gem, as long as she could remember. It felt strangely awkward, yet she could feel her friend, now boyfriend.

Yet she did say yes, and that answer confirmed she would give him a chance. Remembering the droplets of water on his chest, and how beautiful it had looked as the droplets fell like ran glittering in the sunlight. The beauty of that whole moment had put her into awe, his comment had been what embarrassed her. She hadn't realized he had been watching every move. She blushed again at the thought,

"I'm going to jump in the shower, we'll get supper ready shortly. Could you let Knight in, she can't open the door. If you would please."

Sport smiled still thinking about their kiss it had felt better than he thought. Walking to the back door he let a very excited Knight in, grabbing her toys, playing tug a war with her. A content smile touched his lips, it was about time he'd do something about his intense attraction towards Winter...His girlfriend, he enjoyed that thought immensely.