
Chapter 2: "This sucks."

Gritting his teeth he spun the keys between his fingers, moving his hair back with his hand. He stared at the floor lightly tapping his foot to a song that played over the intercom. Not very long ago he felt like his dream had been finally come true. A bad choice had stalled it long enough, now he just didn't think it would happen. Frustrated he sat back up watching the families move through the crowd shopping. A large crowd had almost taken him out, so not liking the crowd he moved in a different direction to avoid all contact. Winter had to pick this place, ugh he thought he would be excited to get it over with. Hearing the door open he turned his head taking in the walking dream heading in his direction. Winter didn't seem much to so many, rarely noticed in a crowd. Yet as he watched her walk towards him, the only woman he could see was her. All the dreams, all the times he had sworn she was with him. He had approached a woman thinking she had been Winter to his surprise. It hadn't been her, yet everytime he seen her he swore he could feel her there. Missing her more than ever, Gem had been a beautiful, gorgeous woman everyone wanted. Everything about her had been hot, her tastes, her hair styles, though he would admit he hated her perfume.

Winter smiled walking around the other women as they darted into the bathroom. She turned her head slightly with a smile,

"Aww, Sport you look absolutely miserable. Did I take to long?" Sport almost gapped at her, keeping his cool demeanor he stood up offering her his arm. Winter chuckled a little grabbing his arm and squeezed his forearm in a reassuring manner. Though he swore his girlfriend had been truly laughing at his misery, he swore it. His breakfast had been an eight, he still seriously disagreed with her. Walking through the crowd they headed towards the fresh fruit, he looked over the list seeing some of the vegetables. He lightly tapped her hand, she smiled heading towards the fruit. While he began to bag the vegetables, Winter had shown him how to do it some years back. So he went straight into picking, looking over the vegetables with a shake here and there. When he heard his girlfriend's laughter,

"What are you doing Sport?" He looked at the broccoli for a little while in serious thought. Answering her back confidently,

"Picking the vegetables, you love broccoli me its alright, I prefer sugar snaps myself."

She laughed again grabbing the broccoli mimicking his actions. Than grabbed another one and bagged it, still laughing she stated,

"You don't need to shake it back and forth to check how fresh it is, dork. It isn't a nerf bat it's our supper, all you have to do is look at the color give it a light squeeze."

Sport smirked keeping his confident demeanor he raised a brow.

"So you caught that, I was just bored. I wanted to see how far I could hit a roma." Winter gawked at him, quickly grabbing the roma's and bagged them. She whispered,

"If broccoli can hit a home run, be sure to bring the chips to eat the salsa you leave in your wake. I don't like to be wasteful." Sport busted out laughing imaging broccoli and roma tomatoes all over the Walmart floor. While a roma tomato made it to Aisle Eight, imaging the crowd cheering for another home run. The thought made him laugh even harder, why the heck would he need chips? He leaned in whispering,

"You forgot the cilantro." Winter pushed him away lightly laughing with him. The image in her mind encouraged her to leave the vegetable and fruit Aisle, dear lord have mercy if he wanted to make sweet salsa, the celery would never make it. She gently guided him to the meat department, she really hadn't wanted to clean up a mess. Baseball fans pfft, they always had an over active imagination, she seriously needed to buy a baseball mit at least the tomatoes would be safe, poor broccoli.