
Chapter two

Author ; one-sided

Title ; Dare 😼😼👿👿👿

"She'll be discharged tomorrow morning so that she can resume in the academy as soon as possible, I can see she has great potential" The doctor said and cleared his throat. "Thanks" Matilda said and made her way back to the ward.

Two days later...

"Mom! Mom!" Sophie yelled as she called Matilda from the garage."Do you want me to be late on my first day" she continued. "I'm coming baby, I'm packing your lunch" Matilda answered calmly from the kitchen. She quickly made her way to the garage. " Should I drive you to school, or you'll drive yourself" Matilda asked, stretching the car key to Sophie. "Uhm, thanks Mom, I'll go by myself today" she replied hugging her mom and collecting the car key from her.


"Justin! Wait up!" A thick masculine voice called out. Justin who was walking on the side of the road to the academy looked back to see who was actually calling him. "Oh! It's you Drake, how're you man" Justin said exchanging pleasantries with the boy who apparently turns out to be his seatmate in class. "Let's walk together to school, do you care to go with me after school to see a basketball match at the games" Drake asked increasing his walking pace so as not to be late.... " Uhm, I don't think that's possible, I've plans already" Justin said.

They both walked down the street into another street which was full of students running to the school gate. "Oh fuck! It's 8;30 already" Justin said as He and Drake picked up their pace and ran towards the school gate, when suddenly a car suddenly screeched and almost hit them. Justin fell right in front of the car with all his belongings scattering on the streets...

"Is he dead?", "Is that blood"?, Students quickly surrounded the boy on the floor asking all sorts of questions. Sophie hurriedly unfastened her seatbelt and rushed out of the car....

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