
"Brotherhood of Rebirth: The Trials of Erik"

Roconad · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8 - Betrayal

Erik and the Brotherhood returned to the village as heroes. The villagers thanked them for their bravery, and the king of Aragon rewarded them with gold and jewels.

But not everyone was pleased with their success. A rival group of warriors, known as the Dark Knights, were jealous of the Brotherhood's fame and fortune. They had long been plotting against the Brotherhood, waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

That opportunity came one night, when the Brotherhood was staying at an inn. The Dark Knights attacked, using magic spells and swords to overpower the Brotherhood. Erik fought valiantly, but he was outnumbered and outmatched.

In the end, the Dark Knights captured Erik and the remaining members of the Brotherhood. They took them to their fortress, where they planned to torture and kill them.