
"Bloom Above Sky"

A journey across the land of a young boy to the top of the world

Cyrillic_ · Fantasy
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23 Chs

"The tavern owner"

When he entered the owner's murmur to herself of Ting being young and asked isn't it aren't you still young, yes answered Ting, when asked by the owner why he was in the tavern, he told her of the story of how Hye brought him here for dinner, then the owner said to be careful of Hye and never to mingle and trust anyone easily in capital, and asking if he even know who Hye is,telling him that Hye is no ordinary student of chonggao but actually is the third son of the king, so he is a prince of the country then said Ting.

Not necessarily no, said the owner, you see during the war of kuzh, the kingdom Gai has lost all their prince and soon after it the king too died of illness and his brother that too not of royal blood but the adopted child became the king but swore that he will not pass down the crown to his blood but rather to the true royal blood so, he has been searching for it but have no results still, but what I heard is that the king wife and his sons want to be the linage to the throne, but the king doesn't want it so, even though you may not see it the kingdom is actually in turmoil inside, Ting you need to be careful, if you are planing to stay.

But Ting butt in and said that he will leave tomorrow morning to the North, why asked the owner, Ting then told her that the king had recommended him to go to Shangsheng and even wrote a recommendation for him, Owner in shock he did what?

where are you from? asked

Ting answers he is from Wuli and had come to deliver the letter but wanted to practice so the king recommended me to Shangsheng.

The moment when the owner heard of Wuli she didn't ask further and told Ting to go take a rest for tomorrow's journey and lend him a room in the tavern and asked her workers not to disturbed him or even go to his room.