
"Bloom Above Sky"

A journey across the land of a young boy to the top of the world

Cyrillic_ · Fantasy
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23 Chs

"sharing stage:strong opponent"

As the fighting went on, the woman noticed that there was a sword besides Ting which looked like a fine sharp sword. so she asked him why he isn't using it and maybe he is confident and arrogant, looking down at the people.

But Ting answered politely that he just learn his new swordplay and wanted to try and insert that even if he wanted to use the sword he couldn't use it recklessly, as there is a prize to be paid for using it.

The fight became intense as it goes on and the woman told Ting that it was Impressive to be able to hold her without having inner strength, Ting replied that inner strength is solely the reason for him being here(Shangsheng). and when it was about to get interesting as both showing their stance to attack each other, the presiding elder shout stop and stopping the fight. And telling the woman to stop fooling around.

why do you stop? said the woman, when it's getting interesting. The elder said not to fool around and to act as an elder that is given to you, she replied it's boring to be an elder and she didn't even want to in the first place, then the crowd talked among themselves of her being knowing her and saying that she turned out to be the youngest elder of the academy. Ting was shocked upon hearing that and the teachers who are there stop the woman and convince them as they are fond of her because they are of the same age and also they are friends.

Then the elder turns towards Ting and said that he will be accepted, even though the teacher doesn't choose him, as he is already that strong for an ordinary student and asked him why he wanted to come to Shangsheng in this deserted place, he replied that he had come here on recommendations and showing the letter, in which the elder was bewildered seeing the letter.