
"Am I a trash with a system in a cultivation world?"

Era of catalyst descended, The worlds shall merge with the rise and fall of heroes with their names etched for eternity The path to Unknown shall be unlocked amidst the chaos with the one in the middle being a teenage boy who finds himself surrounded by uncertainty and the unknown ... In front of a giant dragon,among a battle-filed Row and rows of soldiers face a man who has a valiant aura and a smirk on his face "Aha here we go again " As those words escaped his mouth it seemed as even the heaven seemed to shake and then mountains and rivers were still for a moment and then broke apart like fragile glass the next moment Join Tanvir kaizer as he shatteres the boundary called "Authority" DARKNESS ITS NOT MERELY THE ABSENCE OF LIGHT ITS A CHOICE. it's a choice Tags: # Weak to strong # Apocalypse # Harem # Might content r18 ( chapters will be marked) # chapters will be short around 1000 words to 1500 words. # Two chapters a day Moon_Granade

Moon_Granade · Fantasy
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62 Chs

[] Chapter Fourty Five: Going outside

Graziya flinched slightly at the last part of Tanvir's words, but didn't think too much of it. She had more important tasks to complete.

"Chaos will begin soon," she said. "We need to prepare ourselves. Stay close and follow my lead."

Tanvir nodded and threw away the items she had told him to and put the new ones in the bag.

Graziya stepped into the magical circle and Tanvir followed her, standing next to her. He was curious to see just how powerful Graziya was, and how knowledgeable she was about the demonic tower.

The circle began to glow brightly, and Tanvir looked around and then at Graziya.

"I should repay her someday if I can," he thought.

Little did he know, Graziya had the power of a spirit queen and her soul power had far surpassed the level of an immortal. She was able to clearly hear what others were thinking about her, and hearing Tanvir's thoughts, her mood lightened a bit.

"This human isn't bad after all," she thought.

The circle's glow intensified and both Graziya and Tanvir felt the familiar pull of teleportation. In an instant, they found themselves in a dimly lit chamber, where in the middle of the room was a large blue crystal that was emitting blue gas. Underneath the crystal was a huge red circle, glowing dimly and absorbing the energy.

Graziya spoke. "This crystal is the heart of the tower. We need to disrupt the absorption. Stay close, and follow my lead."

Tanvir nodded and followed her as he felt an odd sensation; he thought it was qi, but as he focused more, he realized it was similar to qi but was slightly chaotic.

"It seems you don't know much about this world yet," Graziya said. "The thing you're sensing is mana, a type of energy of the three ruling energies."

Tanvir was taken aback and he gazed at the blue crystal. He was already somewhat familiar with mana, having encountered many magicians, but the energy he was feeling was different.

"Heh, it seems you've only encountered unrefined mana," she said and moved closer to the crystal.

Meanwhile, Tanvir, who was lost in thought, nodded his head. But then suddenly he realized something and looked at her.

"Yes, brat! I can read your mind, so stop with the useless thinking and come help me. See if you can get some mana affinity or not," Graziya said, amused by the cute human.

"Eh!" Tanvir yelped out. He had not expected her to be able to read minds. "I should stop thinking stupid stuff!" he thought.

He quickly came forward and grabbed the crystal, while Graziya was amused at his reaction.

"Well, this one is kinda perverted," she thought and focused her hand. "I have to create my body again. This piece of metal won't last long," she said.

As she focused, the blue mist, instead of going through the magical circle, started getting sucked in through her hand. Tanvir watched in awe as the mana was easily flowing through her.

"Let's give it a try," he thought and closed his eyes. The energy was somewhat different from qi, but it was still energy, so it was easy for him to sense it. The main problem was how to absorb and store it. He could see most of the mana going through her heart, as if there was some kind of storage.

"Do I have to make some kind of core or something?" he thought, but quickly discarded the idea as he feared he may mess it up.

"Let's just focus on how to absorb it," he thought and focused his mind. His attention was completely on his hand as he could feel a warm sensation of mana touching his skin, unlike qi which felt cold.

Time passed by and Tanvir tried his best to absorb the mana, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not pull the mana into his body like he would with qi. As he started thinking of other processes, the mana he could clearly sense began to reduce. Still, he did not open his eyes and continued thinking of ways he could pull the mana in. Before he knew it, the mana had reduced so much that it almost felt like it was non-existent in the area.

He opened his eyes and looked at the crystal. Unlike the lowly, dimly lit crystal, it had completely lost its color and small cracks were visible on it.

"Yep, your body is rejecting mana. Stay away from magicians. They will be your demise," Graziya said.

Tanvir turned around and stared at Graziya in shock. Visible cracks could be seen on her body and they were glowing with white light.

"Don't think too much. I'm not dying. I'm just re-creating my body from this junk to make it somewhat usable for now," she said.

Tanvir nodded his head in understanding and looked back at the crystal.

"You absorbed everything?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's how one clears a tower. The other way was to basically destroy it, which is a waste," she replied.

"I see, I see. So we cleared the tower!" Tanvir said, his excitement growing. "Can I go outside now?"

"Yes, we can now. Hmm, yes, there's nothing to do now. Let's get out. I also hate this tower," Graziya replied.

Saying that, she approached the crystal and with one punch, shattered it into pieces. The moment it shattered, the magical circle underneath started glowing and in a few seconds, it activated.

Tanvir then realized something. "Where will this thing even lead to?" he thought.

"This will lead to the gate which you used to enter the realm," Graziya said. "Okay, human, we will meet again."

Before Tanvir could say anything, the teleportation circle lit up and both of them disappeared.

After a while. Tanvir started sensing the outside world meaning the process of teleportation has ended. He can feel the gentle wind pass through him touching his skin gently.

He opned his eyes and looked at ten surroundings. Tanvir found himself standing in the heart of forest. From the corner of his eyes he realized there's something behind him. He turned behind and looked at the broken structure behind him.

As he looked at it more and the ruins engraved on it.

" A gate?. Hmmm that really might be the case" he muttered and looked at the forest.

Unlike in the realm. The trees weren't huge they were avarage size. Like the ones from his blue planet.

" I'm really outside, finally " He muttered and enhaled a big breath. Making up his mind he started walking forward in to the thick forest.

Ready to face anything.

[To be continued...

••••End of Volume one••••

A/N: Thanks for reading this till to end. 2md volume will start soon. Around in couple of days. Thanks again those read this until now. I promise I will improve more.

