
Part Time Job to death

-11:37 at the canteen-

Junko and her bff was eating peacefully while chit chatting when they saw a guy pouring a glass of water to other student.

"Next time,be careful with your words bitch"

The guy says as he leave the student wet and embarrased.

"Who is that?"Junko said furrowing her eyebrows.

"You don't know him?"Her bff said in confusion

"Just tell me,who is him"She said in annoyed tone.

"His name was Hiroshi Miyano,he is connected to a gang named 'Yakuza' thats why he's popular and everyone is scared of him"

Her bff informed her.

"Okay,now I know."

Junko said in a calm tone not bothering about anything her bff said.

"We should go on a party later"

Her bff invited her.

"Oh,I'm Sorry,I have a part time job right? You know that"

Junko said in a worried face.

"Its ok Junko" She said and smiled.

-5:30PM(After Class)-

Junko and her bff was walking through the hallway when the girls started yelling and gossiping.

"Ahhhhh he's here!"The random girl yelled.

"Hiyoshi! Wahhhh" The other girl said.

Junko and her bff ran out of tye school because they cant bear the noise.But someone grab her wrist and said:

"Junko,lets date tonight.Be my girlfriend"

Junko looks at the person and saw the bully of the school,Hiroshi Miyano.

"A-Umh.U-,Here's the thing Hiroshi,I'm too young to have a relationship and the other thing is I can't go out with you,I-I have to work,I'm sorry Hiroshi"

Junko said in stutter and leave Hiroshi there feeling upset and embarrased.

"You think you can refuse me huh?" Hiroshi whispered to himself and smirk on his left side.

-9:30 PM-

Junko was riding a bike way to her home when she encountered a motorbike beside her.

The motorbike had ridden by 2 guys wearing a black jacket.

Junko wasn't paying attention to themb,but after a while the guy at the back simply kicks Junko's bike in purpose to make her fall.

"Ah-Ouch,my back"Junko said in pain,holding her back.

"Stand up,I'll walk you home"A familiar voice went to Junko's ears and saw the guy before,Hiroshi Miyano.

Junko held Hiroshi's hand and stand up.

"Thank you Hiroshi." She said smiling.

"C'mon,its already late.I'll walk you home."

Hiroshi said in a soft way.

Junko just smiled at him,a sign that she agree.

Hiroshi and Junko walks away from there.

They walked a 8 minutes long.

Junko was tired and noticed that the way they are heading is not the road to her house.

"Umh Hiroshi,I think we're lost"

Junko said as Hiroshi covered her mouth quickly and punch her stomach making her faint.

-10:45 PM-

(Abandoned Garage)

"Wh-Where am I?"Junko said while opening her eyes and saw her self in a big abandoned room.

She moved her hands and knew that it was tie.

"Trying to reject me baby?" Hiroshi said grabbing Junko's attention.

"Wh-What am I doing here?!Let go of me?!"

Junko screamed when Hiroshi punched her again.

Hiroshi started kissing her neck and leaving a hickey on it.

"Stop!Stop! Hiroshi!"

Junko pleased.

"Don't refuse or I will kill you!"

Junko becomes quiet and started tearing up.

Hiroshi keeps kissing her and started unbuttoning her blouse.

Hiroshi chuckled when he saw Junko's breast then started massaging it like there's no tomorrow.

-Stay tuned for Chapter 4