
" The Perfect Girl "

Here is a high school love story about Troy who meets a mysterious girl called Jenny they then become close friends and Jenny helps Troy to please his crush and girlfriend called Tess . But then he falls for Jenny . Will Jenny love him back or will she let her past come in between them

SHG · Urban
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27 Chs

Time with Tess

" Origin of man " Miss Ann wrote on the chalk board .

" This will be your topic for research . I want your work on Friday , well written you will even have to present one by one , got it " she said in a commanding voice looking at the whole class .

" Yes Miss "

" Ok then good day " she said getting her books then.

As soon as she exited the class kids started talking to each other and some switched positions and went and sat with their partners .

Jenny just turned her seat and face me .

" When are we starting ? " she said with a serious look on her face .

" Why so serious we still have 3more days " I said to her .

She just ignored me and opened up a big history book and put it on the desk .

" We are gonna highlight the important parts from this book " she said looking through the book .

" Later guys , I think I gotta a date " Jerome said as he stood up to go and meet Amanda .

Jenny handed me a paper " Here write here what I will read to you " she said .

I didn't refuse I just grabbed it picked up a pen and she started reading to me from the book as I wrote .

After thirty minutes of jooting down old information . I felt tied and stopped writing , I looked over to Tess , she was talking to her partner Alexa but they didn't seem to be doing the assignment so was the rest of the class , I think it was me and Jenny plus a few other nerdy kids who were focused on the assignment .

I looked at her she looked so pretty I couldn't believe that she was finally my real girlfriend .

" Hey are you even writing down what I'm reading to you " Jenny said .

" Yes...some of it " I said my eyes still fixed on Tess , I wanted her to look at me for once .

" Give me that , she said pulling the paper from me "

" What ! this is not where I ended you are missing a lot of information " she said looking through the paper .

I didn't mind her , I just kept my eyes on Tess .

" Stop staring at her " she said giving me a soft blow on the shoulder .

" Ouch what was that for " I said pretending as if it had hurt .

" Stop staring she will think you're weird " she said and I looked finally switched my gaze to her .

" Now let's get back to work " she said .

" Nooo not again " I whined like a little kid .

" We still have 3whole days " I said to her

She closed her eyes and said " Fine " while closing the big history book .

" Tell me how it happened " she said paying attention to me .

" How what happened " I said a bit confused what she was asking .

" How you two are a thing now " she said brushing away a tip of hair which was on her face .

" Well ...it just happened she walked to me in the morning and said yes " I said to her .

" Oh... that's it " she said with a surprised look on her face . " Yap that's it " I said confidently .

" Isn't this a perfect time to go and talk her " she said .

" What no ? " I said feeling nervous .

" Oh no are you scared " she asked sarcastically .

" No ...I'm not " I said feeling very offended .

" You have the balls to talk to your own girlfriend " she mocked me again .

I felt so offended I stood up swiftly " I will show you who is scared "

" You better " she said smiling at me .

" I'm gonna " I added and head to where Tess was sitting .

" Oh hey Troy " she said as soon as she saw me .

" Excuse me " Alexa said smiling looking at the two of them us .

I sat where Alexa was sitting as soon as she left .

Tess looked straight into my eyes giving all her attention .

" Well I...I came..." she cut me off as I was still struggling with my words .

" Came to talk to your girlfriend " she said with a smile extending her hand to mine .

" Sure we can know each other more " she said .

"she's so nice " I said in my mind .

" Yeah I guess so " I said feeling a bit relieved .

" My favorite color is pink... uhmm I like swimming , eating , acrobatics... " she said as I listened .

" Movies....music but not hiphop " as she looked up then looked at me . " she has a nice voice " was what I was thinking in my mind .

" I think that's all what about you Troy " she said shaking me from my thoughts .

" Me my favorite color.... " now that I'm thinking about it I don't have one . But I wasn't gonna tell her though .

" ...Black " I said

" ...and what else don't I know about you " she are said .

" well..." she cut me off

" Don't worry we will get to know each other more " she said and her mouth curved into a smile .

I smiled at her .

We continued talking about different stuff , she told me about her father , the way she defined him he seemed like a guy who cares about his daughter so much . Every Sunday they would go for a panic and every Friday they would have a movie night .

I looked at Jenny and she gave me a thumbs up and continued looking into the history book while noting .

I spent the whole day with Tess except for lesson time , I sat behind during lesson time and she sat in front in our normal seats she would find me looking at her then smiles at me but signals me to pay attention to the teacher . It would work .

I think she might be the perfect girl .

" See you tommorow Troy " she said as she went to her red Porsche . She came back then gave me a hug then entered the red Porsche and it drove away .

I was left at the school gate , but I wasn't alone

" That was nice " Jenny said with a look and gave me a playful smile

" Shut up " I said as I moved to the street to get a cab .

to be continued...