
" Our Cursed Fate"

WARNING : MATURE CONTENTS !!!! NOTE : This is the first addition of "FATE" Series. There will be other books adapting the characters from here in the near future. ~~~~ Our Cursed Fate ~~~~~{Book 1} ( Falling in love was our cursed fate) [NOVEL FEATURES MATURE CONTENTS] Let's roam around into the parallel world of modern vampires and werewolves where they were living peacefully maintaining their own rules and regulations decided by the both mighty kings from two clans. But the cold war between werewolves and vampires still existed silently. What if a forbidden desire arouses from two different creatures? But their reunion will only shatter the peace between two clans.. Lilianah Winston, the most beautiful, childish, reckless, precious princess of the werewolf's clan who had always a crush on the dashing, cold blooded, handsome hunk Vampire Crown Prince Eric Salazar since her childhood!! Growing up into an young beautiful lady, she couldn't control herself from falling for this vampire prince more and more. Even getting all the harsh warnings from her sorrounding people, she couldn't stop herself to chase the man she desires, treasures always.. Indeed Love is too blind to follow any damn logic. But how is it possible?? Being born as each others sworn enemy, will it be possible ever to love each others wholeheartedly? Once someone said that "Beauty is poison" even this goes same to Lilianah.Being an undeniable beauty she is still unknown about the mysteries,dark sides of her own life. What will happen when their dark secrets will come out in front of each others leading to a disaster? Can love overcome the hate & revenge? Will Lilianah and Eric ever be together or the blame on their cursed fate for being born in enemies clan will remain forever?? Was it really their cursed fate to fall in love?? Find out the forbidden love story... {Note: Book isn't entirely edited. Only few chapters have been edited and will upload the edited version soon. Current editor and proofreader @Aurora Hiya} * * * Cover image credit goes to the original artist or owner.It was taken from Google. Cover is edited by @Ghayyoor Ahmad. * * * ********** Instagram : anamika_author Discord : Anamika_ana #5922 mail : suhanikaanamika@gmail.com

Anamika_Ana · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
158 Chs

We are even now!

Jack was already sweating in terror as he looked around and understood that there weren't anyone.

He immediately tried to make up an excuse before spoke in a reassuring tone,

" Royal Mother, I think you had seen the shadows of trees.There's no one around here really. You must be tired. Let's take you back to the castle first. "

Royal Mother hummed but still her gaze wandered at the spot where she had seen the shadows earlier and decided to go back but a sudden movements from the bush made her paused again..

Under the giant old tree, Eric could vaguely see her panicked expression through the dusk.Her breathe was rapiding as she looked behind to take a glimpse of her mother through the leaves..

If Eric didn't find it amusing to see her panicked so much, it would be a brutal lie..Pressed by a beautiful soft palm even it was attached to his body, he couldn't help smiling inside his mind..

Though Royal Mother couldn't see their figure but Lilianah was able to see her mother's appearance clearly...

Indeed, Eric was right about his anticipation. He already thought that no one from the castle didn't know about her joining the Rainjian academy..

Still he wanted to cooperate with her..!!

But why?

Does he not want her to leave Rainjian Academy forever??

This thought made his heart in chaos along with some uneasy feelings!

On the other side, Royal Mother was moving towards the bush but suddenly stopped by Jack's speaking,

" Royal Mother, it's late. Let's go back.."

Royal Mother was still feeling uneasy but gave up her random thoughts and finally walked out from there towards the castle.

As soon as they left, Lilianah sighed heavily in relief and looked up to see the man who was still pressed by her forcefully. His hot saliva was on her palm giving her a warm feeling.

Her heart twitched as he saw his deep red eyes were focusing on her face.. She retreated her palm back awkwardly and started digging her head to find a solution and stop this stubborn man from not telling her family.

Now I have an another trouble to solve, god!!

She scratched her head and spoke escaping away from his calm gaze,

" Well.. You know..

I didn't want you to be exposed.. I mean, uhh.. mother won't appreciate it to see you here right now.. "

Hearing her nervous voice and terrified expression, he decided to carry on teasing her more and spoke in an extremely cold voice,

" Did you lie to your mother??

Wait, you needed a signature to join our academy right??

This means.. this means you have copied a signature too??

It's a severe crime, Lilianah."

Lilianah was in so much nervousness and didn't expect to be exposed by him so soon.. Her voice trembled as she spoke,

" I.. I.. didn't.. I mean, it was done by jack..

Can you please not tell my brother, please?

I really wanted to study there.. "



You just want to crack my head by staying there.!!

He raised up his eyebrows and spoke hiding his sinister smile,

" Okay.. I can..

But... how will you compensate me?? "

Lilianah was a little taken back.. Blinking for a while in confusion, she asked,

" How.. how do you want me to

compensate?? "

His lustful eyes searched her whole beatiful face.. Taking a step closer, he pressed her against the hard wall grabbing her amrs tightly.

She startled and looked back at his face with her racing heart..

What.. what does he want??

His head slowly and patiently leaned forward closer to her lips which was vibrating in nervousness.

When his hot breath fell on her skin, she gasped closing her mouth tightly as her eyes couldn't help but closed shut instantly..

His warm lips curled up as he took a bite from her sweet lips slightly as if he was tasting his food's quality..

Lilianah tried to clutch the wall in temptation when his lips touched her.. She remained numb closing her eyes as she sensed his hot breath in her ear.

Eric whispered in a deep low seductive voice,

" We're even now.. "

Lilianah opened her eyes slowly and tried to catch up the hidden meaning behind those words..

Does that mean, he just took the revenge for kissing him before??

How..how can he do this to me??

Lilianah wanted to throw some harsh words. Realizing her current situation, she gulped all those words and looked through his eyes in rage..

He is still bullying me even in my castle!!!

Eric could sense his whole body burning in desire as he turned around and spoke huskily,

" Let's get out of here.. We still have to go back.. "

Lilianah didn't protest.. Cause as soon as they could go back, only then she will be in ease..

Coming out from the tree, they both started walking towards the meeting spot side by side.. Lilianah looked up and met the full moon shining over from the blue sky..

She didn't think about anything else and tried to start a conversation between them,

" Eric, why don't you kill human and drink their blood??

I heard that you only hunt animals..

Don't you like human blood? "

Eric paused and his face covered in dark clouds before looking up at the sky..

It was a full moon day..

Another full moon day without you!!

Hi guys.. I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday. I'm at my grandpa's home and there is severe network problem. Anyways hope you're all enjoying this journey. Don't be impatient. It's not a short story. So we will move forward slowly.. Feel free to share your suggestions with me and send powerstones to my book. Love u all❤❤

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