
Chapter 4

After three days, Vidya and Vino are on their way to class.

VINO: I'm still hungry even after eating.

VIDYA: After this class, we can grab some burgers.

ISHA: What can you do, Nitesh? I really can't.

NITESH: Don't worry, Isha. He doesn't know your worth.

Nitesh and Isha are chatting in the locker area.

VINO: Hey, look over there.

Vidya and Vino glance at Nitesh and Isha who are engaged in conversation.

VINO: This couple looks beautiful, don't they?

VIDYA: How do you know they are a couple?

VINO: I just know! I can tell who are friends and who are couples.

VIDYA: Oh, I see.

Vidya and Vino arrive at the math class, but the lecturer hasn't arrived yet. Some students are chatting outside the class while others are already inside. Kathir and Raj are also present as they are attending a repeat math class. Vidya and Vino enter the class, where there are six senior students, including Kathir and Raj.

RAJ: If she doesn't answer your calls, don't call her for a week.

KATHIR: I can't do that. After all, I can't sleep without hearing her voice.

RAJ: Just leave, Kathir.

SATHYA: Hey, are you both juniors?

Satya asks Vidya and Vino.

VINO: Yes, bro.

VEL: Bro? Hey, wait.

Vel looks at Vino and Vidya's books.

VEL: What book is that? Show me the book.

VINO: This is a math book.

Vino shows the book to Vel, and Vel immediately grabs it from Vino and throws it to his friend, Satya.

VEL: Dude, catch the book.

VINO: Hey, that's my book.

SATYA: It's okay, you can borrow us.

VINO: Borrow? Why don't you bring your own book?

VARUN: There's only one book, and Kathir has it.

Varun points to Kathir.

VIDYA: Borrow a book from your friend.

THARUN: He doesn't want to borrow with us.

VINO: How am I supposed to study without the book?

VEL: Why are you asking us? You're the one who took the book, so we should be asking you, right?

VIDYA: Who else would you ask? You're the one who took it. When did we take your book?

Satya passes the book to Raj.

VINO: Just a moment ago.

THARUN: When? We don't even remember.

VINO: Stop playing around. Please give my book back.

Vino tries to grab her book from Raj, but Raj quickly passes it to Vel. Vidya attempts to take Vino's book from Vel, but Vel passes it to Varun. Vino then tries to grab her book from Varun, but Varun passes it to Satya.

VIDYA: Please give the book back.

RAJ: Give it to me.

Satya passes the book to Raj.

VINO: Please give me the book.

RAJ: You want the book?

VINO: Yes.

RAJ: Alright, if that's the case, run around this table twice, and then you'll get your book back.


SATYA: What? Just twice?

VEL: You both waste so much time thinking. Run around the table five times.

VIDYA: Vino, it's okay. Let's just leave.

THARUN: Oh, so you don't want your book back?

VIDYA: I don't want it.

THARUN: Alright, man. If she doesn't want the book, tear the pages out.

VINO: Hey, don't...

VARUN: Then you have no choice but to run, girls.

As they continue talking, Vidya tries to grab Vino's book from Raj, but he quickly hands it over to Satya.

RAJ: What? Trying to be smart? Do you want to follow our orders or do you want us to tear a page from the book?

VINO: So that's why you don't have a book? Tear all the pages from your book. But how did this man manage to keep his book safe?

Vino looks at Kathir, who is sitting there staring at the floor. Vidya and Vino notice that Kathir's knuckles are injured.

VIDYA: What happened to him?

SATYA: Do you want your book back, or do you want to know what happened to him?

VINO: The book.

RAJ: Then run, man.

VINO: Man?

VASU: Pft... Do you want to run, or do you want me to tear a page from the book?

VINO: Okay, we'll run.

VIDYA: Hey, no way.

Vidya tries to grab the book from Satya, and Satya hands it to Kathir.

RAJ: I guess you're not responsible for the book? Kathir, tear the book now.

VIDYA: Huff... Why are you doing this to us?

VARUN: We're not doing anything. We just asked you two to run.

VEL: Give me the book, dude.

Vel asks for the book from Kathir, and Kathir proceeds to give it to Vidya.

RAJ: What are you doing?

VIDYA: Thank you so much.

Vidya quickly takes the book from Kathir.

VIDYA: Learn from your friend.

Vidya grabs Vino's hand and they run to the front desk.

THARUN: Why did you do that?

KATHIR: What am I doing?

RAJ: Why did you give her the book?

KATHIR: What book?

VEL: The girl's book.

KATHIR: Which girl?

SATYA: Just go away.

VARUN: Next time, don't let him join this team.

RAJ: It's okay, let it be.

Raj patted Varun on the shoulder. The lecturer entered the class, and all the students took their seats. Vidya turned back and glanced at Kathir, giving him a small smile as if admiring him. However, Kathir was unaware that Vidya was looking at him. Vidya then turned her head and focused on the class.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ❤️✨

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