
It’s All Fun And Games Isn’t It?

Kenma x Reader One-Shot

Warnings: Angst, Sad Ending, Slapping, Bad Mouthing, etc.

Hope You Enjoy~!


I got an getting off the shared bed of me and my boyfriend of 3 years, Kenma, and turn on the lights. "Y/n why'd you do that?! I just died because of the light change!" Kenma said raising his voice slightly. With a sigh escaping my mouth, I say " Kenma you've been playing your games non stop and it's starting to get annoying! You barely even acknowledge me when i talk to you! And now you don't even say I love you anymore!" venom lacing each of my words. "Well maybe you should stop expecting me to be all lovey dovey and care about you when all you do is mess stuff up! You're always complaining about me not saying I love you right? Well did you ever stop and think about it? Are you that dense!?" He shouted at me while getting off his gaming chair coming straight towards me. I start to get slightly nervous, but I don't understand why because it's not like he'll hit me. The worse he's done is yell at me and punch the wall, he wouldn't lay a finger on me... right? "Kenma.. b-back up.." I curse myself for stuttering internally. He gets so close to me to the point where I'm up against the wall and I have to hold my hands up against his chest to try and get him away from me. "Oh so now you're scared? You really are stupid aren't you, you slutty bitch!" He shouted right in my face. I finally pushed him off of me and I gather up the most courage I could muster and walk up to him and say "Well maybe I wouldn't have been all jumpy around you just now if you didn't get all close to me!" yelling slightly and poking his chest back with each word I spoke. Suddenly he..

... slapped me.

He then yelled " Well maybe if you weren't hoeing around with my bestfriends or being a prostitute in the city, then this wouldn't be happening! Ever since you've came into my life I've had nothing but sadness, stress, anger, and regret in me! I'm sad that your hoeing around, I'm beyond pissed off because you're doing it with random people INCLUDING my best friends, and I'm stressed out because I could be getting std's sleeping with the likes of YOU!". Once he stops yelling and opens his eyes, he's shocked to see me trembling on floor, sobbing loudly, and holding where he hit me earlier. "W-Wait Y/n I-" he tried getting close to me, but I backed up so fast making my back hit the wall. Luckily I was right beside the door so I took one last look up at him then dashed out the room. I grabbed my wallet, car keys, phone, charger, AirPods, and a bottle of water and ran out the door to my car. Once I put my keys in the engine, I saw Kenma bursting through the front door, frantically trying to get to me. Out of reflex I sped off quickly, still trembling slightly. I call my friend ___, and tell him everything that happened. To say he was pissed would be an understatement, but he knew that a yelling best friend isn���t what I needed, so he offered to let me stay the night, I reluctantly agreed after him practically begging. He went to go let ___ know so there wouldn't be any surprises. I told him I'd be over in a bit, when suddenly my phone rang. I stopped at a red light so I quickly looked at my phone only to start trembling again. It was Kenma, and he was calling me...