

What if the main character of a story is to read his own story? This is the story of Kazuto Kirigaya/Kirito who happened to fuse with his parallel self in a different reality where his identity as Kazuto Kirigaya/Kirito is nothing but a fictional character created by some author.

DaddyGiveMeDragon · Anime & Comics
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Is it wrong to be pampered by two beauties?

---Twilight Manor---

"Alise, Kaguya isn't what your doing kidnapping."

Said Ryuu as she watch her Familia captain and vice captain pampered the defeated Shiro.

After they discovered that Shiro is only 10 years old the two older girls decided to PEACEFULLY bring him in their Familia manor.

But before that they handed over the crippled group of thugs to the Ganesha Familia.

They admitted that Shiro is the one who crippled the thugs for life after the thugs tried to rob him of his belongings.

At first they couldn't believe the claim of Alise and Kaguya but recalling the [Sword Princess] of Loki Familia and young Ryuu who only look mature but in fact very young and also a genius of her own the Ganesha Familia accepted the reasoning they move to questioned Shiro.

Astraea Familia is a Familia known for upholding justice and honesty and a friend of Ganesha Familia so they don't really have a reason to doubt the girls reasons.

Questioning the young Shiro they found out that he had sneak inside the city and they reprimanded him for doing such a thing, they also made him pay a fine which he did begrudgingly as he was forced to borrow money from Kaguya because he did not bring any with his person.

In fact Shiro escape the village while everyone is asleep to go on an adventure.

He left a letter on his bed before leaving so things should mostly be fine.

Unbeknownst to Shiro his mother Alfia should have been at Orario by now searching for him if she hadn't been stopped by the others forcibly.

During the conversations Shiro discovered that Astraea Familia is Ryuu Leon's former Familia, the stoic maid Ryuu Leon; one of the main cast of the Danmachi series.

Shiro did not recognized her due to the very big difference in her current appearance and the look she has in the anime.

Ryuu is a beautiful girl. She quite resembles Laurier of the Hermes Familia.

The two has the same glossy blonde hair.

They are both elves and they both look alike to Fairies.

During the short time he had interacted with the others Shiro notice that Ryuu is trying hard to distancing herself from him but sensing no malice or any other negative emotions coming from her he let her be; she must be very shy.

Ryuu Leon is supposed lost her Familia in the series but now that he is here he swore to protect their smiles.

Even though he had only meet them a few minutes ago and only four members of the Astraea Familia Shiro already got a good impression of the group.

They also treated him well even though they don't have any idea of his identity; might as well repay them back for their kindness.

However, his current situation is a torture.

"Woman let go of me…"

Screamed Shiro but without his enhancement he wouldn't be able to push either the perverted Kaguya or the clingy narcissist Alise who couldn't accept that a boy is more good-looking than her.

"So your earlier strength is due to a skill. That's one powerful skill you have. But now that your powerless what can you do?"

Teased Kaguya with a wide grin as she placed the defeated Shiro on her lap treating him as a little brother of sort.

"Just you wait woman I'm going to punish you after I recover my energy."

Claimed Shiro which made Kaguya smirked even wider.

'What's wrong with her?'

"What's taking you so long to recover. Can't you recover fast and punish me for being a bad girl."

Kaguya teased which made Shiro, Alise and Ryuu who heard her words speechless and embarrassed.

'Is she a pervert.'

Shiro thought as a cold sweat run down his spine.

Shiro's enhancement don't have any cooldown of sort as it's only requirement is for him to have a constant amount of magicules but the current Shiro is completely drain.

He revive her mother and aunt, turned Bell into a chaos human race, turn Zeus, Hera and Hermes into mortals, create artificial non sentient spirit to embody Zeus and the others divinity and travel from the village to Orario.

He is completely drained.

He forgot this fact because of the enjoyment he got from teasing Kaguya back there in the alley whose now taking revenge back at him.

He decided to be more careful from now on to never again experience this humiliation.

While he thought of this in truth he is enjoying the sensation of being pampered by two mature beauties.

'Should I have a harem of my own?'

Thought dangerously by Shiro.

He can already picture his mother trying to test any girl who's going to be part of his harem and the thought amused him.

Ramiris in fact is already a inevitable case but adding more to the none existing list would take time.

Shiro isn't really familiar with the characters in Danmachi as he only saw season one and the idea of using such information to attract others doesn't really taste good for him.

Shiro decide to let things go as they pleased and let fate and destiny do it's intended job.

"Oh who do we have here?" Astraea the patron goddess of Astraea Familia made her appearance and she is accompanied by a few girls and one of them is Lyra who give Shiro a teasing smirk.

"A kid…" Said Lyra.

A vein popped up on Shiro's forehead giving Lyra a glare.

"Shut up shorty…"

"Who are you calling a shorty kid?"

"They're at it again…" Ryuu mumbled in the side.

For some reason she did not feel any sort of discomfort around Shiro unlike her usual reaction to the opposite sex.

In truth she feel at peace and safe around him which baffled her greatly.

This is one of the reason why she still kept her distance from Shiro eyeing him from the side which Kaguya and Alise noticed.

They questioned Ryuu about this and the latter explained everything to them but in return she was instead teased by not just Kaguya but also Alise.

Alise said that Ryuu has in fallen love at first sight.

Kaguya said that Ryuu is into young and cute boys that's why she hated being approached by burly and older looking man.

The constant teasing of the two annoyed Ryuu that's why she decided to distance herself from both Kaguya and Alise whose currently giving her a mischievous smirk as they feed Shiro with sweets.

"Who is this little one?" Asked once again by Goddess Astraea as she approach the trio eating sweets in the sofa and behind her where other members of the Astraea Familia who look at Shiro curiously.

"His name is Shiro and he's ten years old…" Alise introduce Shirl to her goddess.

Alise, Kaguya, Lyra and Ryuu who discovered Shiro's overpowered enhancement skill decided to kept it a secret; who knows how much trouble would it cause the moment it was public.

While they did trusted their Familia members with all their heart a small slip up is beyond dangerous.

Shiro gave the four a grateful look thankful that they didn't decide to spill the beans.

Shiro's action surprised the four girls on how cute he is when he is genuine and not picking a fight with them but this action of Shiro did not escape the inquisitive eyes of Familia goddess's that embodies justice.

Astraea decided to kept silent for now and asked her Familia captain and vice captain on what's going on later.

There must be a reason for why they're keeping something secret.

Alise and the other three girls notice that their goddess got a wind of what's going on and could only blame Shiro for his carelessness.

Unbeknownst to the four and the goddess Shiro did this in purpose being that Astraea Familia had become part of his plan.

Shiro plan mostly revolved in gathering talented and trustworthy people.

He did not really plan to used them but he must because his plan includes keeping them alive as he did not know the reason for why such a strong and influential Familia to be wipe out.

He needed more information.

"As Alise-san had said I am Shiro, 10 years old. It's nice to meet you lady Astraea. I heard a lot about you from pervert Hermes so I'm looking forward to meeting you."

"You know Hermes?"

"Um. Yes we just met a day ago before I journeyed to Orario. He advised me to meet you but I did not expect to meet your Familia members first before meeting you."

"So, you're here in Orario to meet our Goddess?" Asked Kaguya which Shiro responded by a nod.

While Shiro did left the village without telling anyone before that he had a talk to Hermes and the topic of the conversation is about talented, trustworthy and good hearted gods and mortals.

Hermes who now fully accepted and swore to Shiro as his new lord which Zeus had allowed was responsible for information gathering and being his advisor; knowing full well the talent of the guy.

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